Dietary Supplements Essay, Research Paper
I believe that dietary supplements are not necessary to insure a healthy
diet. In fact, I feel that it is quite the contrary. Only a diet based on
nutritious foods can help us lead healthier lives. After doing research on
the internet, over and over I kept getting this same answer. Although
supplements can be good in certain situations, such as when people are
unable to eat solid food, they cannot actually replace real foods.
For example, I read an article about how a study done by the University of
Southern California found that frequent use of vitamin C supplements can
actually cause artherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. However,
findings showed that vitamin C from foods is an anti-oxidant that helps
prevent disease. Obviously eating foods rich in vitamin C rather than
taking a 500 mg supplement is far more healthy. Another article discussed a
study done by the National Cancer Institute about the usefulness of
beta-carotene supplements in preventing cancer. Results told the
researchers that the supplement was 100% ineffective, and people should stop
using them. In place of the supplements, they recommended fruits and
vegetables, which are proven to reduce the risk of cancer.
I also read an article about how an extremely popular supplement, chromium
picolinate, may cause cancer. A study by the University of Alabama showed
that although an important mineral, the body really only needs about 500
micrograms of chromium per day. By getting an excess of this mineral from
taking supplements, one can actually increase his or her risk of getting
cancer. Clearly its risks outweigh its benefits. Another article discussed
meal replacement drinks, and whether or not they were a viable nutrition
shortcut. The study, done by the New England Journal of Medicine,
discovered that while good for recovering patients unable to chew, or for
older people who are unable to eat three meals a day, that eating real food
is much healthier.
After my research, it?s clear to me that supplements just aren?t the way to
go for a healthy diet. Sure they sound quick and easy, but over and over I
read the same basic idea; there is no substitute for a diet based on real,
healthy foods. Reading these articles has really changed my perspectives on
my diet. Next time I have a cold and my mother hands me a 500 mg tablet of
vitamin C, I may think twice before I chew it down. I just hope that the
other people in this country realize this before they begin to rely entirely
on dietary supplements.