Freud Dream Theory Essay, Research Paper
Freud has many theories in to the incite of the human unconscious. One of these theories is the dream theory. Many annalist think that dreams are the connection to our in most secrets and desires. Freud is among these people in thinking that dreams are the center of our repressed desires.
In Freud?s theory of dreams, he states that dreams are the surest ground of psychoanalysis. The interpretation of dreams is the most direct way to insight in to the unconscious. The unconscious comes to life in our nightly dreams. These illusions that we create, the alteration of character can help to understand the problems we have in our waking life.
Freud?s theory on dreams states that as young children our dreams are about fulfilling a wish. The wish the child is dreaming about fulfilling comes from a wish that was not fulfilled the day before. This differs for our adult life because, according to Freud, in our waking life we tend to give dreams little consideration. We usually reject them and forget them quickly.
In his theory Freud says that our rejection of our dreams comes from immoral acts, which are in many of our dreams. Freud also states that we must tell the difference between the manifest dream content, the parts of dreams we remember in the morning, and our latent dream-thoughts, the parts the we hide in the unconscious that we have to find again.
In Freud?s psychoanalytic laws we must use free association to get irruptive ideas from our dreams. Free association is the use of words to bring things buried in the unconscious to the surface. From this use of free association you may discover some latent dream thoughts. In these latent dream thoughts you may find that the fancies that are found in dreams may connect with symptoms and memories. Now you can start to see the connection of children?s dreams and adult?s dreams. When these dreams are compared with the day before it starts to appear as fulfilling a wish from the day before.
Another process that Freud says we may use to get insight in to the unconscious dream and the manifest dream-content this is called ?dream work?. Dream work is the reaction of mental groups reacting on each other. This theory shows us the psychic processes, which are in the unconscious or more directly between the conscious and the unconscious. Two of these newly discovered psychic processes are condensation and displacement stand out in the special case of dream work.
In conclusion I would like to say that dream analyzation is not exact. Freud states that the best way to learn to interpret dreams is to study your own dream and desires. All of our dreams show us insights in to our unconscious. And throw this we can see the effects that early life experiences have had on our development as adults. We must all learn to look at our dreams and to learn something new about ourselves. Our dreams can help to get us past our problems throw incite into our unconscious.