Generation X Essay, Research Paper
People think that generation X today does nothing but complains about everything and it is so apathetic. Consequently, we can realize that it is a generation that is completely different from the prior generation. Karl Zinsmeister, the writer of The Humble Generation , states that some people believe that X ers are materialistic, inconsiderate and unprogressive. The author also states that liberals accuse them of lacking exemplars. Generation X possesses different major characteristics which are very common nowadays.
Generation X students experience different adversary emotive problems, such as eating disorders and depression. X ers believe that drastic slenderness implies that one is of a high social class. Kristi Lockhart Keil, the author of An Intimate Profile of Generation X , points out that, this career-minded generation seems to think that women with full hips and breasts are less intelligence and likely to succeed . Accordingly, we can perceive that generation X students tend to be slight in order to gain discipline and intelligence. Moreover, generation X students suffer from depression. In fact, there are various significant factors that cause their depression, and the most important one is being disregarded. Keil states that neglect increases their depression, and they get less attention from their parents; therefore, they will most often have superficial relationships with others.
X ers do not want to be managed by others. As a matter of fact, they don t want someone looking over their shoulder. Perhaps as a result of their latchkey childhood, they are not used to being supervised and they are good at working on their own. It is very important to X ers to be seen as liberated and self-starters (Losyk). Therefore, X ers should be managed by teaching them things and be aware of their need for feedback. In addition, X ers adjust their management styles to facilitate a comfortable arrangement for their work.
Generation X has not experienced the concept of job security. They watched their parents get laid off the jobs that they devoted a large portion of their lives to. As a matter of fact, X ers tend to see every job as temporary and as stepping stone to something else. They believe that there is no such thing called job security and that they should never stick and have obligation to any job if there is no long term commitment from the zenith (losyk).
X esr don t like to overtalk a topic when they need to make decisions. This talked out generation grew up with parents who wanted to discuss problems. Unlike boomers who were raised by authoritarian parents who made the decisions and weren t concerned about how the kids feel. Generation X prefers coming to a quick decision and the following through as opposed to sitting through a series of meetings to discuss options.
Overall, for baby boomer managers, understanding, motivating and managing generation X may be frustrating. Recognizing the differences and valuing the diversity of this group can make working with generation X a much more beneficial experience. We must always keep in mind that although they don t want someone constantly checking on what they are doing, X ers crave feedback. Generation X was also the first generation whose parents sent them to see counselors and psychologists. Consequently, no wonder why they have propensity fo fun. Finally, as Gillian Flynn, a writer about generatin X, says that all managers of generation X should give X esr chances to prove their decency and existence; therefore, Xer s can accomplish more and more.