No matter how prepared a climber might be, an emergency situation can always occur. The most important thing to remember is to remain calm. Overreacting to a situation will only make it worse. When familiarized with all of the potential accidents or hazards before a climb, handling an emergency may be easier to control. Having the appropriate clothing and equipment, having plenty of food and water, and finding the right shelter are all safety measures to follow when climbing. A first aid kit must always be included on a climb. A member of the climbing party should also be knowledgeable on what to do in an emergency situation, such as how to care for a wound or broken bone, how to keep someone warm and how to keep the climbing party calm. It is also important for the party to stay together. An important factor when a rescue becomes necessary is making sure a responsible person at home has the climbing group s itinerary and agenda, and making sure the climbing party stays together in one place.
Although there is a lot of planning and preparation in climbing a mountain, the rewards are priceless. Reaching the top of a mountain can be one of the most amazing and inspirational experiences one might accomplish. All of the hard work along the journey can be truly rewarding. For many, climbing becomes addictive. After the first climb and all the glory that comes with it, many seek higher mountains and bigger challenges, hence larger rewards and more satisfaction. Climbing a mountain is no easy task, however, it is an adventure worth seeking.