
Career Project Business Analayst Essay Research Paper (стр. 2 из 2)

Barton, R.S. (1993), Business Process Reengineering , Business Quarterly, Vol. 57, No 3, 101-103. An article explaining in details the advantages and disadvantages of Reengineering for large scale Businesses. Schrerr, A.L. (1993), A New Approach to Business Processes . IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 31, No 1, 80-89. A great in-depth look at the new concepts to Business Processes in the everyday work world. Porter, M.E. & Millar, V.E. (1985), How Information Gives You Competitive Advantage , Harvard Business Review, July-August, 149-160. This Article gives insight how to come to the top and employ your skills to the best advantage you might get. CONTINGENCY PLANNING FOR THE YEAR 2000 by Thornton, Grant; Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA), 1999. A book of renown interest, its put into a form, where you can understand where large scale Businesses will be heading over the next two years. Koster, C.H.A., Object-Oriented Design, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Lecture Notes, 1995. These notes are on the Object-Oriented Design concepts of a Business Analyst. It is very vital that Business Analysts learn this skill fluently. Dalen, D van, Logic and Structure, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1983This great piece had been one of the leading books of Computer Science in its time. It is a little outdated, but still contains a cache of information that you can build upon. BPR Online Learning Center; sponsored by ProSci. CD-ROMProSci. Copyright 1994 – 1999. All rights reserved. A comprehensive CD-ROM that gave me business contacts information, so I might interview a few more people over the phone. Rutgers New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 1999-2001 published 1999.A university Catalog to find all majors at Rutgers University. Also included with these majors are the classes, with a brief description.