multiple partners, there would be not HIV/AIDS ?pandemic.? This cannot be denied. U.S.
Rep. Coburn had said ??STDs are a symptom of the illness that truly plagues us. Many
people don?t have the integrity and courage to say that there are consequences to
actions.?? (Wyatt)
Perhaps we can, as finite beings, infer that occurrences such as HIV/AIDS are
examples of divine punishment. Perhaps it is another test to determine our worthiness.
I prefer the assessment of one of the Christians who rescued Jews from Nazi-occupied
France: we apparently needed a lesson. We suffer because we have failed to
understand a fundamental principle which governs human existence. We will continue
to suffer until we learn it, or perish because we failed to learn it in time.
AIDS National Interfaith Network [ANIN], ??The Council Call? A Commitment on
HIV/AIDS by People of Faith.? from ?The African American Clergy?s Declaration
of WAr on HIV/AIDS? The Balm in Gilead Inc. 1994: 1-3.
Webster, Claudia L., ?Focus Paper #13 – AIDS Ministries and The United Methodist
Church.? HIV/AIDS Ministries Network 17 Feb. 1989: 1-11.
Chatham, Johnny, ?God?s Grace is Sufficient.? Oklahoma City: First Stone Ministries
Oct. 1993: 1-6.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], ?Facts About Condoms and Their
Use in Preventing HIV Infection and Other STDs? U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Public Health Service, Washington, D.C.: Aug 1996.
Wyatt, Rebecca, ?Activists attack safe sex as myth.? The Washington Times 23 Sept.
1999, final ed. p. A8.
Monteith, M.D., Stanley, ?Myth #9: Latex Condoms are Highly Effective in Preventing
the Spread of AIDS when Used Consistently and Correctly.? A Nation Deceived
and Betrayed: AIDS Update, 13 Jul. 1998: 1-7.