
Electorasl College Essay Research Paper The Electoral (стр. 2 из 2)

incompetent and unable, and therefore see no need to vote. The media does not intentionally force these negative views upon the mass public; rather they point out the faults because it

makes a better story.

Although the media does not directly create or change opinions, it tells the public what to think about. By using priming techniques (CNN), we can see the media directly swaying the direction of the voters’ choices. By looking simply at these facts we can see that the media is quite possibly the most influential tool available to regulate voter choice. How many choices does the media actually make when it comes to choices in leadership? The media doesn’t stop with making attempts to sway voter choice. As citizens, the framers entrusted everyday citizens with the right to influence the actions and fate of our government, even if only through a small article in the newspaper. Even though they did give the media this right, and we as citizens the right to use it, they still found fault with the nation as a whole. Otherwise, citizens would have been given the chance to directly elect those they feel represent them the best (Shepard). The question of why they did this remains, but the fault lies at the feet of the media for keeping the citizens left uninformed and unable to cast a reasonable vote.

With the influence of the media by no means ignored, the shortcomings of the Electoral College system discussed are only a few of many flaws that can be found. Other flaws include the bias toward small and large states, which gives other states a disproportionate advantage; The bias toward those who live in urban areas and therefore enjoy a stronger vote than those living in sparsely populated areas (Bailey & Shafritz p. 63). The list of flaws is extensive. The question that still remains is whether or not the flaws are extensive enough to warrant change?

The Electoral College has successfully provided the U.S. with its Presidents for 200 years and has done so without allowing the ascension of a fanatical dictator or ruler who became

elected in a whirlwind of popular sentiment. But in the process of 200 years of electing the College has, at times, allowed the will of the people to be compromised. Granted at the time of

the 1800 elections the College was young and its shortcomings were not entirely clear. 200 years later the flaws have revealed themselves or have been revealed in various fashion.

The question remains; are these flaws acceptable considering the duty the Electoral College performs? If the purpose of the College is to provide democracy and prevent sentimentally elected leaders then its continuance seems uncertain. The media communications available in our country at present eliminate many of the framers fears. The U.S. has seen no real fanatics elected and the evidence highlights that the flaws of the Electoral College, combined with the unpredictable power of today’s media are responsible for democratic compromise. The shortcomings of the College are self-defeating to the purpose of the College. If the people can see this is true, then it is not necessarily time for removal of the College, but definitely time for reform.