dimension, these forms can vary in unlimited colors, intensities, qualities and
quantities so that the viewer does not always know what to expect. The
important propagandistic idea of utilizing all available channels to maximize
the effect of propaganda is certainly at use here.
My first involvement with the online free speech movement, and the
reason why I decided to investigate this topic, was the Blue Ribbon Campaign.
Almost a year ago, I began to notice the occurrence of the same blue ribbon icon
on many different Internet web locations and homepages. These icons are similar
to the red AIDS awareness ribbon in terms of their appearance and function, and
the actual size of the icon in most locations is typically only about 8 mm high
by 25 wide. Of course this size depends on several computer specific variables,
but the point is that the Blue Ribbon Campaign icon is small so that it appears
quickly without taking much transfer time. The people behind the Blue Ribbon
icon knew that if they created a large space and time hogging image, that people
would become frustrated with the lethargic image and fail to gain respect for it.
However, in reality, this small icon is tiny and unobtrusive so that its
appearance on a web page is not bothersome.
The idea of using a blue ribbon is smart because of the association with
the AIDS red ribbon campaign. While people have different opinions about
homosexuality, most people, if not all, agree that aids must be stopped. Using
this logic, it makes sense to utilize this almost universal appeal of the red
ribbon by the creation of a blue ribbon. Additionally, the red ribbon icon is
very well established and is widely recognized, so once again, the adoption of a
similar blue ribbon icon is smart.
The genius of the Internet’s world wide web is the use of hyperlinks or
hypertext. Hypertext is the system of allowing the reader to click on something
and be instantly transported to another location that relates to what he or she
clicked on. Every time a Blue Ribbon Campaign icon exists on the world wide web,
it contains the Internet homepage address of the Electronic Frontier Foundation,
one of the key players in the online free speech movement. Therefore, by
clicking on the Blue Ribbon icon, the reader is instantly transferred to EFF’s
homepage. When compared again to the AIDS red ribbon movement, the advantage of
the Internet system are obvious. When one sees a person wearing an AIDS red
ribbon, he or she can not automatically and instantaneously receive information
about AIDS. The person would have to ask the red ribbon wearer for a phone
number or address where AIDS information could be found. With the Blue Ribbon
Campaign, however, the information is instant, and it fits right in with today’s
fast moving society. A person can see the Blue Ribbon icon, and can immediately
see what it means. There is no time for the person to lose interest due to
making a phone call or waiting for a postal letter to be delivered.
Therefore on a daily basis I was seeing the Blue Ribbon Campaign icons,
and several times I clicked on those icons in order to gain more information
about this symbol that kept popping up all over the place. If, on a particular
day, I was not in the mood to learn about the EFF, I could easily go back to
what I was doing before I clicked on the blue ribbon icon. However, since the
icon kept appearing at various web sites, there were times when I did feel like
exploring this interesting phenomenon further, and because the blue ribbon icon
was easy to run across, it was easy for me to enter the EFF and see what they
had to offer.
The EFF’s homepages do contain a brief history of the organization, but
there is no information about the actual origin of the Blue Ribbon Campaign.
According to electronic mail I received from Dennis Derryberry at the EFF after
querying about the origin of the Blue Ribbon Campaign: The Blue Ribbon Campaign
does not belong to any specific group; it is shared by all groups and
individuals who value and support free speech online. I believe the idea
originally was sparked by a woman who has been helping us with membership
functions, but amid all the expansion of the campaign, we kind of forgot where
it really came from. I guess that’s just the spirit of a campaign for the
benefit of the many. (Derryberry) Even if the Blue Ribbon Campaign does not
belong to any one group, it was originated by the EFF and all of the blue ribbon
icons point back to the EFF.
One of the first options of things to do when one first sees the EFF’s
opening page is to join the EFF, the Blue Ribbon Campaign, or both.. Joining
the Blue Ribbon Campaign is simple, and basically involves just giving them a
small amount of personal information and then copying one of several blue ribbon
icons to be used on your web site. There are many, many different blue ribbons
available of all different sizes and compositions, but they all revolve around
the basic blue ribbon idea. If a user is not fully pleased with the online
selection if available icons, there is an option to receive information about
many others that are available. Finally, it is also possible to create your own
blue ribbon icon and allow the EFF to give it away to be used for the same cause.
This entire emphasis on the graphic image of the campaign is a smart move
because people’s interest is aroused by images more than words. If the words
“Blue Ribbon Campaign” were seen everywhere, the impact would be less dramatic
than the colored image of the blue ribbon that accompanies these words. Even
though the doorway to the EFF is graphic based, the bulk of the EFF’s web site
contains document after document of textual information that all relates to the
CDA and freedom of speech. Also located here is the entire text of the
Telecommunications Act of 1996, including all text of the CDA. Internet users
who click on the blue ribbon icon will be taken directly to the part of the
EFF’s website that deals with the Blue Ribbon Campaign. Because the Blue Ribbon
Campaign is not the only cause the EFF supports, there is of course much more to
the EFF’s website than just this. Some of the sections of the EFF’s homepage
The Blue Ribbon Campaign section on the EFF’s homepage is set apart from
the other areas by use of the traditional blue ribbon icon. This section begins
with a link to the newest information about the CDA, and then goes on to list
links to several things including introductory information about the campaign,
federal, state, and local information, an archive of past information, examples
of Internet sites that could be banned under the CDA, activism information, and
finally a “Skeptical?” link to a page that tries to convince skeptics about
believing the EFF’s cause.
About EFF is the first thing that new visitors to the site will want to
read. This contains a brief history of the organization and answers most of the
questions people might have. This area also goes into the beliefs and
motivations behind the EFF.
Action Alerts is a list of current events that the EFF is currently
monitoring. For example, one of the most recent action alerts deals with the
latest decision on the CDA. This section also encourages people to take action
in the Blue Ribbon Campaign and provides a list of various ways to help. At the
top of the list there is a disclaimer about civil disobedience being “at least
nominally illegal”. Some of the suggested activities include: supporting a
28th amendment to the U.S. Constitution to extend First Amendment rights to the
Internet, attend rallies, wear T-shirts that promote free speech online, put a
real blue ribbon pin on your backpack if you are a student, etc.. This section
also contains a list of previous example of protest and demonstration of CDA
opposition, so show that people have actually gone out to stand up for the
things that are promoted on this site.
Guide to the Internet is a document that helps acquaint novices with the
Internet in general, and does not contain any EFF or free speech related
specific material. While this seems pretty innocent, its purpose here is a bit
deeper. If more people can become more familiar with the Internet, then more
people will use the Internet and therefore hopefully become interested in online
free speech.
Archive index is an essential tool on the EFF website because of the large
number of different documents available here. This is a searchable index that
aides users in finding specific information contained in the EFF pages. For
example, if you wanted to see if the word “pornography” occurred in the CDA, you
could search for it.
Newsletter is a section that contains the current and past newsletters
of the EFF. These newsletters are updates about things the EFF is currently
involved with. I think that although much of the information contained in these
newsletters is redundant in that it can be found elsewhere on the site, there
are two reasons for this. First, the newsletter format is one that everyone is
familiar with. If a person is new to the EFF site and sees the “newsletter”
section, he or she will automatically have a general idea how information will
be presented in this format, and it will therefore be easier and more welcoming
to read than other types of information. Secondly, the newsletter is important
because it is repeated information. One key aspect of propaganda is repetition,
so the duplication of certain information in the newsletter accomplishes that.
Calendar is a listing of future events and dates that are important to
EFF. Many of the listings here are protest rallies and schedule speeches that
look good when many people attend. This provides a consolidated listing of
dates that is easy to access, without having to search all over the site for
things. Also, the information here is available for download so that it can be
put into a person’s personal time management software on his or her own computer.
This gives the EFF an indirect link to remind you where to go and when.
Job openings provides information about applying to the EFF for a job
with the EFF.
Merchandise lets members and nonmembers purchase T-shirts and metal Blue
Ribbon Campaign pins to help spread the word.
Awards gives a list of the 19 awards won by the EFF for various things
such as “Best of the Web” and “Top 250 Lycos Sites”. The display of these
awards legitimizes the organization and shows to others that many people are
visiting this site.
Staff Homepages at first seems somewhat boring, but this section is
actually a list of the staff, in rank order, and a short description of what
each person does at the EFF. Clicking on the person’s name takes you to their
homepage. This display of information once again reinforces the idea of white
propaganda that the EFF uses.
Miscellaneous contains a sponsors list, other publications of interest,
and EFF related images, sounds, and animations.
A second example of online free speech propaganda on the Internet is a
homepage promoting the lawsuit filed by The Citizens Internet Empowerment
Coalition (CIEC, “seek”) against the U.S. Department of Justice and Attorney
General Janet Reno. This page is designed to look like a 1700’s handbill or
poster and to arouse emotions of patriotism and fighting for one’s country. It
would be difficult for an American to view this document and not be reminded of
how we fought for our freedom from the English. Icons of patriots shouting out
loud, canons and American flags, and pictorial representations of the
Constitution all arouse emotions of fighting for what is right. This page also
contains an 4 minute audio clip that is available for download. This audio is
Judith Krug of the American Libraries Association speaking about the censorship
of libraries. The reader has to only click on the icon and the audio will be
transferred to his or her computer and the user listens to the audio as it is
transmitted. Aside from these audio and visual messages, this site is
similar to the EFF’s in that it contains lots of information and links to
related anti-CDA sites.
Another website that utilizes propaganda is operated by the Center for
Democracy and Technology (CDT). This site is one of many that utilizes an
animated “Free Speech” icon that displays fireworks exploding in the air. Like
other examples, this too is very patriotic. Also like other sites, the CDT
displays various Internet awards they have won, as well as the number of people
they have signed up who support the lawsuit against the CDA.
Counter propaganda
While there are groups and people who favor the CDA, there is very
little propaganda promoting these beliefs. Part of the reason for this is that
the whole debate over the CDA seems to be a very nonpartisan issue in terms of
Republicans and Democrats. If this had been a partisan issue, there would
certainly be propaganda on both sides. The main reason that little counter
propaganda exists is that the CDA is the law, so people who are for it have
already been appeased to a certain extent. The anti-CDA groups are protesting
and using propaganda because the CDA is the law, and they want it changed. As
with many things in life, it is more common to hear complaints from people who
are not satisfied than from people who are ple