in Soviet show trials indicated that the Russians had perfected such techniques” The experiment wasn’t usually successful because the patients that were used were previously hardened drug
addicts. So as in 1953 “normal” people were used. Dr. Sidney Gotlieb was currently head of TSS at the time, where he reported to Frank Wisner and Richard helms in the Dictorate of Plans. He was mainly responsible for coordinating the MKultra programs. In 1953 numerous projects under MKULTRA came into existence and were under Gotlieb’s authority. There was Project Chatter (1947), a navy program attempted to test and identify truth drugs, due to the report of the amazing results obtained by the Soviets. MKNaomi (1952), was designed for the production of biological chemical weapons and substances for the agency’s use. MKDelta (1952) was the procedure for governing the use of MKultra material abroad. In all there were 149 MKULTRA subprojects, 33
additional subprojects that were solely funded by MKULTRA itself. The 33 additional subprojects had nothing to do with behavioral modification, toxins, or drugs. By then MKULTRA indicated how the agency was ready, willing and prepared to face the world on a different level.
There was one of the subproject that was considered to be humorous, Subproject #94 involving cats, dogs, and monkeys. These animals were used as guided bombs and microphones for
eavesdropping. An audio device was considered inefficient and didn’t work effectively enough. They acted like cameras and would record what they saw and the results were sometimes incomprehensive. An example would be at cocktail parties where these devices would record everything. Therefore, the outcome was fuzzy. So the CIA began to invest a lot of money and time on training a cat. This cat was cut open and a microphone would be inserted in its cochlea and an antenna in its tail. At first the cat would wander off every time it got hungry, so they split the cat in half once again and wired it in order for it not to have the hunger sensation. Finally when they released it and instructed in to listen into two men talking in the park, it got ran over as it crossed the street.
The CIA is not completely bad. It does a lot of good for our nation. During the Persian Gulf War, it gained intelligence for the UN forces. It gained intelligence with the help of more than 200 Iraqi foes of Saddam Hussein. The CIA helps the United States gain national economic security. It does this by spying on the economic performance of other countries. Today it is looking more at Japanese and German product designs along with the designs of military weapons. Some people think this kind of spying is good and others think it is wrong. In 1995, France accused the United States of gathering economic and political secrets. The CIA responded by relocating these agents. The State department called the French charges unwarranted, this is because the French have been known for their own industrial and economic espionage.
The CIA, despite its downfalls has constantly been helpful to the security of the United States. The information that it has gathered has benefitted us in peace as well as during war. It is a great asset to our national and economic security. It will continue to provide our nation with the intelligence it needs in the future. As long as the United States stands, the CIA will be a necessary “evil” to stabilize “pure” nature of the rest of the Government.
McCurdy, Dave. “Glasnost for the CIA.” Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb 1995: 125-40
Smowle, Jill. “Double Agent.” Time, 7 March 1994: 28-37
Vistca, Gregory. “Psychics and Spooks.” Newsweek, 11 December 1995: 50.
Walcott, John and Duffy, Brian. “The CIA’s Darkest Secrets.” U.S. News & World
Report, 4 July 1994
Waller, Douglas. “Halt! Friend or Foe?” Time, 6 March 1995: 50.
“Key Events in CIA’s History.” [Online] Available http:
Venzke, Ben. “CIA.” [Online] Available http:
http// , 1994
Coles, Harry. “CIA.” Encyclopedia Americana. 1983 ed.
Glickman, Harvey. “CIA.” World Book. 1996 ed.
Kirkpatrick, Lyman. “CIA.” Encarta. 1994 ed.
Wheeler, Douglas. “Espionage.” World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia. 1996 ed.