Night Essay, Research Paper
The book Night was written by Elie Wiesel it is also about a true story he was just
a child when it all happened. The book starts off as a little boy that is 12 years old his name is Eliezer he and is three other siblings Hilda the oldest girl then Bea and the baby of the family Tzipora all lived with there mother and father they were a small little Jewish family. Elie?s family owned a little shop but only Hilda and Bea could help and Elie had to stay in school. Elie wanted to learn the perilous world of mysticism, which is a form of the Jewish religion that only one can study at the age of thirty. Elie?s father was not up to discuss the matter much cause the answer that Elie received was not the one he wanted to hear. So Elie found a man named Moshe the Beadle he was a kind, funny and poor normally the people in Sighet would hate poor people that lived on the streets but Moshe was different he was kind and caused no harm. When Elie told Moshe that he wanted to learn about mysticism Moshe looked very surprised that a 12 year old would want an old poor man that sits an a synagogue all day and prays to teach him the mysteries of the mysticism. Moshe started teaching Elie everyday but one day the Hungarian police started cramming all the Jews in Sighet into little cattle car on a train. Every one that was inside was safe but if you were in the street you were taken. The very next day when Elie went to the synagogue to meet Moshe he was not there he had been taken. Elie wept and told his father what had happened to Moshe but it was like telling on him self for going behind his father?s back and learning mysticism.
In 1942 Moshe escaped death and came back to Sighet and was trying to tell every one what had happened to him but nobody listened not one single person of the town of Sighet would even hear him out. When he came to Elie?s house Elie?s father Chlomo told Moshe he was not welcome there any longer. The next day Elie went looking for Moshe to find out what happened to him. Elie found Moshe weeping in the synagogue. Moshe told Elie that all the Jews in Sighet were going to die and he himself almost died he said that the Germans would throw little babies in the air and let the gunners have target practice that they would make the prisoners dig giant holes then take off there clothes and line up on the edge of the hole. They would one by one shoot people and they would fall into the hole there was a man he said that was begging to be killed before his three sons. The only way that Moshe stayed alive is that he was shot in the leg and fell in the hole and was mistaken for dead. He said there where three other people that were not dead yet and a lady that that was trapped under dead bodies including her baby. This was in 1942 now its 1943 and Elie?s mom is looking for a nice young man to marry her daughter Hilda. It was then quite in the town of Sighet until 1944 they heard over the radio that Hitler?s army wasn?t going to be able to come in to the town of Sighet and hurt any more people because the Russian?s front line was moving in. Then the town of Sighet believed the radio and didn?t think that they were in danger of be EXTERMINATED. All of a sudden all of these troops start coming in the town and nobody thinks to much of it. Until all the Jews where told that they were to give all there items of any value to the Hungarian police then they told them that they were not able to leave the house after 6:00p.m. Moshe came to Elie?s house and told Elie?s dad that he told him what would happen and nobody listened to him. Then he ran off in to the dark street. The Jews were made to yellow stars on there shirts. Then came the Ghettos there were two ghettos a big one and a smaller one the lager one was 4streets long and 4streets wide but the smaller one that Elie?s family was in was just made up of little side streets. All the Jews in Sighet were put into the two ghettos. Elie?s house was in the smaller ghetto and they were allowed to live there but they had to block all the windows that overlooked the street. Elie?s dad was told by the Hungarian police that they were going to be moved because the red army was to close to their location. The next day all the Jews were moved from the ghettos to a train which would take them to there next ghetto camp nobody new how long it would be or where it was. On the train Elie meet Madame Schacter who started having visions of fire while on the train.
When the train stopped and every one was off they were told that they had to walk five miles to the ghetto camp. Julick brought a violin who was an older man and the whole way he was playing songs to keep up every body?s hope. Only a German solider shot the old man in the head. When they arrived at the camp they meet Franek he was a solider that told every body that if they had a gold tooth that he was going to take it out. That is what he did after that was done they made all the women and the men in two lines. The men would go on and work but nine out of ten women would be sent of in to the woods where they would go to the gas chamber or shoot and killed. The men either worked or helped the soldiers. Idek another German solider would beat the men and he beat Elie?s dad the most only because he would be to tired to march the way they were supposed to. The only reason he was week is cause they only got 500 calories a day. {Which is equal to two poptarts and a stick of gum}. Later on in the book Elie?s dad dies of food poison and Elie gets in affection in his shoulder and had to go to the hospital which was the most dangerous place to be in the camp {weird uh} because there was a doctor named Mengele who liked to pick people and experiment on them and I mean like take out there heart and see how long it takes them to die. Or cut there arm off and let them bleed to death. So Elie got out of the hospital as soon as he could.
The book ends really fast but the red army comes in and saves every one and Elie is the only one left in the family so he goes back to his house to gather up what is left. Only to run into a person he new at the camp at a store and started to talk and remember the story.