
Dialectic And Spectacle In The Harrowing Of (стр. 2 из 2)

possibilities: the historical and textual referent. However, as I

would hope to demonstrate, interpretive possibilities are obliterated in

the dominating desire of the play — and the church — to control the

social structure and to entrench the values — and therefore "laws" —

of the church apparatus. Oscillating within the literal referential

articulations of the play, the allegorical, moral, and anagogical levels

or senses operate. The allegorical mode is directed through the

implicit parallel between Christ’s history — his redemption of the

souls — and the church’s history — the break near the end of the play

(Chester 337 and Towneley 305) when the audience/congregation chants the

"Te Deum laudamus." The moral level is the individual, where the

subject in the audience is able to participate in self-interpolation,

placing the individual of today in the history of both the past and the

future simultaneously. The individual’s redemption, however, remains

collective, addressed to Adam’s "osspringe":

Peace to thee, Adam, my dearlynge,

and eke to all thy osspringe

that ryghtwise were in yearth livinge.

From mee yee shall not severe.

To blys nowe I wyl you bringe

there you shalbe withowt endinge.

(Chester 334, 205-210)

Isias. Adam, thrugh thi syn

here were we put to dwell,

This wykyd place within;

The name of it is hell;

here paynes shall neuer blyn.

That wykyd ar and fell

loue that lord with wyn,

his lyfe for vs wold sell

Et cantent omnes "salutor mundi," primum versum.

(Towneley 294, 37-44)

Identification with Adam’s sinfulness prefigures a (re)collection in

Jesus’s redeeming effort to break the gates of hell. Nonetheless, the

activity is utterly collective; morality cannot be apprehended on an

individual level, excluding individual interpretation from the

audience’s role. The exclusion of the individual places the

interpretive dilemma at the anagogical level, confronting the collective

"meaning" of history and giving authority to the spectacle of the

performance itself.

Earlier in this paper I identified the performance with sport —

a type of game in which the arbitrariness of the result is predetermined

by the apparatus of its production. What the Corpus Christi pageant in

general and the Harrowing of Hell play in particular present is a

dialectical foundation of empowerment and control. The spectacle posits

a knowing of "truth," creating an audience empowered by its own capacity

to know what is and to therefore possess that knowledge. The real, as

it is signified in the clarity of its repetition and form, is entrusted

to an audience of arbiters, who decide a personal validity for the means

of its articulation (to extend Barthes’s reading of wrestling, the

audience may judge the performance and the value of the performance even

if it does not judge the necessary relationship between the body of the

wrestler and the outcome of the event). The play, however, within its

limited origination as church extension, reaffirms the authority of the

church by limiting the authority of the individual. The collective is

privileged over and against the individual — so that, indeed, an

individual consciousness exists in the play only as rebellion (e.g.

Judas and Cain are left to dwell in hell with Satan exactly because they

positioned themselves as individuals, against the dominant domain of

Adam’s sinfulness).

The dialectic between the play as spectacle — and therefore a

means of enlightenment — and value-producing mechanism of the

"collective" church which institutes the myth as valid poses the problem

of seeing both operations, that is both functional modes, within the

play as identical. Adorno and Horkheimer’s potent and persuasive

definition of myth and enlightenment shows how each mode of cultural

operation serves to exercise power through what Lukacs calls


Myth turns into enlightenment, and nature into mere

objectivity. Men pay for the increase of their power with alienation

from that over which they exercise their power. Enlightenment behaves

toward things as a dictator toward men. He knows them in so far as he

can manipulate them.

For Adorno and Horkheimer, myth and enlightenment, magic and science,

mechanization and spirit, all serve as polar oppositions in a

dialectically organized agenda of manipulation and control. Likewise,

the pageant and the play orchestrate a subsumption of the individual’s

power — especially the interpretive power of the masses — into the

collectivized agency of the church.

The result of transforming the individual consciousnesses

present in the audience and the congregation into a homologized and

homogenized extension of orthodox values is coded in the presentation of

its form. All history as it is posited within the play has already been

written; the only question — and here I mean the undervalued question

of a member in the audience — is what position is marked — not

necessarily predestined or predetermined, although the means of making

this a self-determination have been completely removed from the mass

culture of medieval Catholic orthodoxy — for the individual. Will the

audience member be a member classified as goat or sheep (a question

addressed in a parable played briefly before the Harrowing? Is hell

harrowed for him/her? Moreover, the result of the question interrogates

mass culture itself, for the operations of the church-state apparatus

are not distinctly separate in effect from the culture industry and the

mechanization of the factory that Adorno and Horkheimer evaluate:

Culture as a common denominator already contains in

embryo the schematization and process of cataloging and classification

which bring culture within the sphere of administration. And which

entirely accords with this notion of culture. By subordinating in the

same way and to the same end all areas of intellectual creation, by

occupying men’s senses from the time they leave the factory in the

evening to the time they clock in again the next morning with matter

that bears the impress of the labor process they themselves have to

sustain throughout the day, this subsumption mockingly satisfies the

concept of a unified culture which the philosophers of personality

contrasted with mass culture.

Indeed, what could be more subsumptive than a mythos of redemption and

salvation, constructed through a series of social and socially required

events, that ultimately demand a vilification of self-value and a

celebration of the church establishment.

In both the Towneley play and the Chester play, the chorus of

prophets, all participating in the monolithic community of

hell-to-be-redeemed, offer a collective subsumption of the individual.

The greatest desire of the audience must be to share in voice with the

prophets who speak of both praise and thankfulness. The consumptive and

subsumptive chorus in the Towneley play moves from Moses to David to

Isaiah in progressively shorter lines to silence the audience, rather

ironically, by invoking their collective chorus in litany:

Dauid. As I saide ere yit say I so,

"ne derelinquas, domine,

Animum meam in inferno;"

"Leyfe neuer my saull, lord, after the,

In depe hell wheder dampned shall go;

suffre thou neuer thi sayntys to se

The sorow of thaym that won in wo,

ay full of fylth and may not fle."

Moyses. Make myrth both more and les,

amd loue oure lord we may,

That has broght vs fro bytternes

In blys to abyde for ay.

Ysaias. Therfor now let vs sing

to loue our lord ihesus.

(Towneley 305, 389-402)

Affirmation through association becomes the fulfillment of the

audience’s constructed desire. The members of the audience join ranks

with the great prophets who have all been associated with their own

histories during the action of the Harrowing. The audience must join,

for it does not have access to the already written history; by being

displaced from the narratizing of redemption, it can only associate with

the characters who already participate in the code.

By this code I intend to suggest the positioning of the already

achieved narrative action which cannot be possessed as spectacle, but,

instead, must be apprehended as the mechanism of the church-state

apparatus to maintain power. The state apparatus is "defined by the

perpetuation or conservation of organs of power." The state apparatus,

to borrow an analogy from Deleuze and Guattari, is a contained system

with components and limits similar to the game of chess. The game is

played with a definite code, the pieces are determined to be what they

are by what they are. A knight is always a knight simply because he is.

A king will always be protected. In the same way, as a character to be

"played" again and again, in every year of the pageant and in every

other formulation of church doctrine, Jesus is always Jesus; he must

always win against Satan who is always Satan. God, in his redemptive

activity must be consistent (we still have this code and its response in

contemporary culture, as is typical in the Baptist belt where the phrase

"that’s not my God, my God is …" indicates an utter lack of

interpretive understanding as it is constrained by the operations of a

fundamentalist approach to a univocal God in a univocal way). The

consistency of the players, whether on a chess board or a medieval

horse-drawn carriage platform, necessitates the homogenization of the

players’ audience — the church’s congregation. Deleuze argues that the

state’s ability to reproduce itself exactly is determined through its

own public presentation — i.e. the fact that the state is and must be

public: "The State-form . . . has a tendency to reproduce itself,

remaining identical to itself across its variations and easily

recognizable within the limits of its poles, always seeking public

recognition (there is no masked state)."

The Corpus Christi plays offer then an extension of the

church-state apparatus to construct, even as the mass does, a

congregation utterly unified in its interpretive understanding and

consolidated in its desire for redemption and its means of happening.

The collective meaning of history — the anagogical level of

interpretive meaning — is discernible only through the allegorical —

which is to say that church history accurately reflects redemptive

history to the point of requiring participation in one to assure

inclusion in the other. These claims concerning the plays and its most

dramatic representative of redemptive force, the Harrowing of Hell,

attempt to discern the mechanism of producing the power of the

church-state apparatus — how indeed, the superstructure gains support

from its base — and how, in fact, the pageant is the most accessible

form for disseminating the conservation of this power.

The plays demonstrate as a combination of social artistry and

cultural design an historical moment of political conservation and

dominant authorizing. It seems we are not merely to claim, as Hardin

Craig does, that the plays are "a theological intelligence motivated by

structural imagination that lasted from age to age in the development of

a great cycle of mystery plays." Instead, we should interrogate the

multiple dimensions of artistry and artificiality of the play; our task

is to ask how these plays operate as a performative moment coming

directly from the dominant arms of orthodoxy while still being

influenced by the severely limited mass culture. We may find, then, at

the center of the controlling mechanisms of the church-state apparatus,

the necessitated desire for community that even Satan validates and


Nay, I pray the do not so;

Vmthynke the better in thy mynde;

Or els let me with the go,

I pray the leyffe me not behynde!

The desire, of course, extends past Satan’s plea, for the homogenized

desire of the congregation ultimately — which is in history written and

yet to be — is directed toward a different answer from Jesus: one that

affirms salvation and again confirms the church’s orthodox pageantry of
