Tree Conservation Essay Essay, Research Paper
Trees the Most Valuable
Resource on Earth Today
Forests are one of the most
valuable resources on the planet today.
Without forests it would be almost
impossible for any living thing to survive.
But, with this in mind many people
destroy forests. It is as though they
don?t even care that they are dooming
themselves as well as the trees.
Hopefully through this article I can help
save the forest and help human kind, as
well as all other organisms, by telling
how important the forest is and how it
What is a Forest?
A forest is more than just a
bunch of trees growing next to each
other. A forest is a very complex system
of animals and plants, living in and on
fertile and suitable soil. Forests are
divided up into five different levels or
layers. These levels are the canopy,
herb, shrub, understory, and the forest
floor. The canopy layer is the top layer.
This is where photosynthesis takes place
and it?s also where the leafy tops of the
trees are. This layer is home to a variety
of insects and squirrels. The next layer is
the understory. This is made up of
smaller trees and is home to birds and
climbing animals. The third layer is
known as the shrub layer. It is made up
of shrubs and vines. It also provides nuts
and berries. The next layer is the herb
layer. This layer is made up of soft green
plants and wildflowers. Birds, insects,
snakes, and toads also nest there. The
last and final layer is the forest floor.
This is the thick fertile soil covered by
twigs, branches, insects and detritus.
Why are Trees Important?
Trees are major erosion blockers.
Their leaves intercept rain and lower the
force of impact the water has on the
ground. Each tiny rain drop is like a
miniature bomb. It splatters and washes
dirt away with it. Tree roots also hold in
soil and keep it from washing away.
People plant trees on mountain slopes
and other similar places to prevent
mud slides. This aspect makes trees a
very valuable resource.
Healthy forests serve as
wonderful habitats. It provides clean
water, food, shelter, and the space that
living organisms need to survive.
Different animals need different
habitats. The forest gives them this with
a variety of places to live. All though
some live on the ground, most of them
live in trees. Insects live under the bark
and worms, chipmunks, and shrews live
under the roots. Others such as the
Kentucky Wobbler, Red Tail Hawk, and
a variety of other birds live in the
branches. Destroying the forest destroys
their home.
How to Help the Forest.
Stewardship is a program that
was made to care for our forests and
trees. People who own forests are care
takers for the next generation. Stewards
put a lot of effort into taking care of the
forest. They spend a lot of time to make
sure the forest is growing properly. To
become a steward you must have at least
ten acres of forest land. It must either be
used for production of wildlife habitat or
for recreation and relaxation. Being a
steward is a great way to help preserve
our forests.
If a forest or trees must be cut
done there are proper ways to do so.
They cut forests in three different ways,
these are hygrating, shelterwood, and
clear cut. Hygrating is only cutting the
best trees down. Shelterwood means to
cut down fairly decent trees. Clear
cutting means to cut down all the
trees. Any tree that is cut down should
be replaced. I prefer shelterwood,
because it allows for more growth of a
better species. Sometimes we have no
other choice, but it should be done
The Beauty of Trees
We use trees for beauty in scenic
nature as well as for beauty in yards,
parks, and other places. Trees also
purify the air of pollution. Trees are
sometime used in large cities to lower
noise pollution. Forests are used for
recreation. Their beauty attracts many
tourists. They provide shade on hot days
and allow relaxation. They are very
lovely in the fall when their leaves are
falling. Trees can do all this without
being cut down.
They are very important to our
world today. If we didn?t have trees our
soil would be washed away, pollution
and noise would be unbearable, and we
would all soon die from the lack of
oxygen in the air. My proposition to you
the next time you are thinking of cutting
a tree down, and are not going to replace
it, is to remember this article and think
twice before doing so.