2) The tool to measure acculturation will be similar to Ho s (1966) food adaptation score based on menu analysis of specific meals and the Suinn-Lew Asian Self-Identity Acculturation questionnaire (1987). It basically determine the reason for choosing American and Chinese food items.
3) The tool to help determine why or why did not acculturation occur, will be similar to Rusignuolo s ” Benefits sought by consumer survey” and Darian s (1995) consumer survey.
4) Academic success shall be measured by grade point average and subjective scholastic level.
References and Annotations
Chataway, C. J. & Berry, J. W. (1989). Acculturation experiences, appraisal, coping and adaptation: A comparison of Hong Kong Chinese, French, and English students in Canada. Canadian Journal Behavior Sciences, 21(3), 295-309.
Forty-two Chinese, 43 French, and 42 English students completing questionnaires pertaining to various aspects of their lives and personalities, their coping styles, their psychological and physical health, and their satisfaction with their coping abilities. The Chinese students experienced higher Trait Anxiety, and prejudice, more adaptation problems than other groups.
Darian, J. C. & Cohen, J. (1995). Segmenting by consumer time shortage. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 12 (1), 32-44.
The study seeks to determine whether consumers* time availability is an important segmentation variable in the convenience and fast-food market and the elements of marketing strategy need to be adapted to attract different segments.
Dietary Guidelines for people in Taiwan. Republic of China (Vol.2). Taipei, Taiwan: National Health Administrative, Executive Yuan, 1991.
Recommendations for energy (calories) are expressed as a range, while those for protein, vitamins A, D, E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12, iodine and so on are all expressed as a single figures.
Frary, R. B., & Hertzler, A. A. (1995). College Students* Nutrition Information Networks. Family & Consumer Science Research Journal, 24(2), 191-202.
Nutrition information networks accessible to or being accessed by college students were studied. Undergraduate students in an introductory nutrition class rated their perceived use of nutrition information networks; provided frequency-of-use responses to a survey of food choices, fat practices, and fast-food practices; and estimated nutrient intake for iron, calcium, and fat. Factor-related scores reflected each subject s perceived frequency use for each category.
Gains, N. (1994). The repertory grid approach. In MacFie, H. J. H. & Thomson, D. M. H. (Ed.), Measurement of food preferences (pp 51-76), New York: Blackie Academic & professional.
This chapter describes George Kelly s repertory grid methodology which is based on a sound psychological theory and offers the food researcher great flexibility for investigating consumer perceptions of foods.
Grivetti, L. E., & Paquette, M. B. (1978). Non-traditional ethic food choices among first generation Chinese in California. Journal of Nutrition Education, 10, 109-112.
Data from 30 Chinese interviews show continued nonconsumption of certain foods in American despite availability. Seventy-seven foods investigated. Although pork, chicken, beef, and prawns were the animal products consumed most frequently in China, all but prawns still eaten often by more than 80%. Except for ice cream, diary products show low consumption. Rice remains the cereal of choice though its consumption declines after immigration. Vegetable use remains high with different vegetable used more in America. Fruit use increases is of apples and peaches and snack use changes.
Ho, G. P., Nolan, F. L., & Dodds, M. L. (1966). Adaptation to American dietary patterns by students from oriental countries. Journal of Home Economics, 58(4), 277-280.
An effort was made to measure the dietary changes from the home to the host country and to evaluate factors involved in dietary change. Factors that were related to the adaptation of the national groups were age, length of residences, participation in extracurricular activities, difficulty with spoken English, eating at home or out and previous cooking experience.
Kittler, P. G., & Sucher, K. (1989). Asian. Food and Culture in America. 248-285. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
The book approaches food and culture nutritionally, anthropologically, psychologically, historically, ecologically, and geographically. Each of chapters outlines the history of the country of origin, the history of immigration to the America, current demographics and socioeconomic status, and the prevailing worldview expressed by members of the minority group. Also, traditional food habits, including ingredients and common foods, meal patterns, special-occasion foods, the role of food in the society, and therapeutic uses of food were discussed.
Kurtz, C. S. (1990). Changes in dieatry behaviors of Greeks and Greek-American living in Tarpon Spring, Florida. University of Florida.
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Reasons for food supplement use reflected beliefs by both groups that these products prevented or cured specific medical conditions. Health foods in contrast were popular primarily for their taste and culinary attributes.
Mok, d. (1985). The sojourn experience of Chinese visa students. Unpublished BA (Honours) thesis, Queen s University, Kingston, ON.
National Research Council, Food and Nutrition Board. Recommended dietary allowances. 10th ed. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 1989.
Suggested levels of a variety of nutrients prepared by the FNB of the NAS/NRC. Separate recommendations are made for different sets of healthy people, grouped by age and gender. All recommendations include a substantial margin of safety and are not to be considered minimum requirements for healthy individuals.
Newman, J. M. (1981). Chinese Immigration Food Habits: a study of the nature and direction of change (Doctoral Dissertation, New York University, 1980). Dissertation Abstracts International. 41(12), 5006.
Study researches 102 immigrants to Queens and Chinatown in New York City, using questionnaires and interviews. Significant changes of food habits occur immediately after immigration, though less for those in Chinatown. After more than five years in the United States, there is a reversal to some traditional food habits no matter where the people live. The most significant changes are for meats and dairy items.
Newman, J. M. (1986). Melting pot: An annotated bibliography and guide to food and nutrition information for ethic groups in American. 1st ed. New York: Garland publishing.
The book addresses food, nutrition, and health related dietary concerns of the major ethic groups in the United States. Through annotations it identifies culture, social, and economic markers and provides knowledge of food habits, general dietary, nutrition, and related health problems and practices of the many ethic groups.
Newman, J. M., & Ludman E. K. (1984). Chinese elderly: Food habits and beliefs. Journal of Nutrition Elderly, 4(2), 3-13.
Comparison of Chinese elderly in China and The United States reveals more striking similarities than differences. Data show that traditional beliefs still control dietary practices. Over 90% drinks soup as the beverage of choices at meals, 27% tea, and 20% water. No other beverage is consumed by more than 10%. 58% by special foods for the elderly and about half of these are high in protein.
Rao, M. S. A. (1986). Conservatism and change in food habits among the migrants in India: A study in gastrodynamics. In Khare, R. S. Rao, M. S. A. (Ed.), Food, society & culture ( pp. 121-140). North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press.
The aim of this paper is to deal with changing dietary styles and food behavior, called gastrodynamics, in the context of immigration. Situational contexts are interrelated, such as ecological and economic changes, discovery or innovation of foods, and diffusion or borrowing of food habits from other, the context of migration to bring about changes in food is focus on this paper.
Schultz, J. D., & Sindler, A. A. (1995). Diet and acculturation in Chinese women. Journal of Nutrition Education, 26(6), 266-272.
Three groups of women were recruited to assess nutrition-related acculturation in Chinese-American women. The finding refutes the commonly held notion that Chinese consume low-fat diets. Nutrition knowledge about fat was low. Chinese women responded that nutrition influences their food choices. More nutrition-dense diets, greater nutrition knowledge, and to a lesser extent, improved attitudes about nutrition indicate acculturation of US-born, CA women.
Shirley, S. H. (1995). Dietary Intake Patterns of Vietnamese in California. Journal for Nutrition Education, 27(6), 63-68.
Study of the dietary intake patterns among Vietnamese immigrants reported Vietnamese respondents consuming a mean of 1.3 serving of fruits or fruit juices daily and 1.8 servings of vegetables daily. Linear regression analyses showed that earlier immigrants were significantly less likely to consume eggs and salty foods, that younger individuals were more likely to consume beef and fried foods and to drink alcohol.
Suinn, R. M., Ahuna, C., & Khoo, G. (1992). The Suinn-Lew Asian self-identity Acculturation Scale: Concurrent and factorial validation. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52, 1041-1046.
The correctional and analysis of variance data confirm the concurrent validity of the SL-ASIA as measure of level of acculturation for Asian-Americans on the large sample. One of the interpretable factors were identified for the SL-ASIA is food preference including items regarding the types of food a person preferred eating at home or in restaurants.
Tian, H. G., Nan, Y., Dong, Q. N., Yang, X. L., Pietinen, P., & Nissinen, A. (1995). Dietary survey in a Chinese population. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 49, 26-32.
The survey was carried out in Tianjin, one of the three largest cities in China. Distinct differences in dietary pattern and nutrient intakes were found between subjects
living in urban and rural area. The diet of urban people was richer in fat and high quality protein compared with the diet of rural people. Cholesterol intake was much higher among the urban people.
Wheeler, E. & Poh, T. S. (1983). Food for equilibrium: The dietary principles and practice of Chinese families in London. In The Sociology of Food and Eating. Edited by A. Murcott. Hants, England: Gower Publishing Co., 1983, pp. 84-94.
Fifty families all but one have females practicing a pragmatic version of traditional medicine and health care with their choice of foods influenced by this system. Their teenagers are not learning the system in depth as they used to.
Yang, G. I. P., & Fox, H. (1979). Food habit changes of Chinese persons living in Lincoln, Nebraska. Journal of American Dietetic Association, 75, 420-424.
Study of qualitative and quantitative changes in food habits of first-generation Chinese shows incorporation of American foods prepared in a Chinese manner. Some decrease in use of Chinese foods and a flexible attitude are shown. American food is used at breakfast and lunch; at dinner Chinese foods are prepared.