
Hamlet Essay Research Paper What is it

Hamlet Essay, Research Paper

What is it about an individual that makes them produce such flaws that contribute to their own self-destruction? In Shakespeare?s, Hamlet, Hamlet has numerous flaws, which he fails to overcome. Hamlet?s self-created troubles contribute to his downfall. Hamlet torments people as an escape from his emotional pain. His anger elevates and produces sarcasm. Hamlet flees from his problems in fearful ways.

Hamlet is manipulative, thus tormenting people surrounding him. For example he tells Ophelia ?Get thee to a nunnery? (III. i.). Hamlet is well aware of his sins and wants nothing to do with becoming a ?breeder of sinners?. Excruciating Ophelia makes him feel superior to her. Further, during the The Murder of Gonzago the King request, ?Give me some light. Away!? (III. ii.). He has pricked the King?s conscience by having actors rehearse the events of his father?s death. He succeeds in agonizing the King while also providing proof of his guilt. The Queen illustrates,

?These words like dagger enter in my ears? (III. iv.).

The Queen feels guilt-stricken. The Prince doesn?t encourage her penitence rather he continues ranting her sin. Enter pain and anguish leads to Hamlets tormenting ways.

Sarcasm and blunt rudeness is often exploited by Hamlet. For instance, Hamlet implies to Polonius

? Conception is a blessing, but as your daughter may conceive, friend, look to t? (II. ii.).

The Prince is inadvertent to Polonius feelings. The Prince uses his knowledge about how wary Polonius is regarding his daughters chastity, yet sarcastically implies this statement to hurt him. In addition, Claudius asked where Polonius was and Hamlet responded,

?If you messenger find him not there seek him i? th? other place yourself?? (IV. iii.).

Hamlet?s corroborates his rudeness toward the authority. He is efficiently and effectively telling the King to go to hell. He inscribes to the King, ?High and mighty? and ?Kingly eyes? (IV. Vii.). Hamlet despises the King in every possible way. This demonstrates the anxiety between the two. This displays his sarcasm caused by the levels of opine rebellion.

Hamlet hid behind a wall of fear to avoid any possible confrontations that were ahead of him. He stated,

? I loved Ophelia forty thousand brothers could not with all there quantity of love make up my sum? ( V. i.).

It was not until Ophelia?s demise, had he realized that he loved her. Hamlet is reluctant to show his love for her because of his fear and confusion. Also, he expresses

? up sword and know thou a more horrid hend? (III. iii.).

Hamlet uses the excuse that he could not kill him while he is praying because it will save his soul. It has nothing to do with saving his soul; he is simply scared to murder the king. Hamlet preaches,

?the age is grown so picked that the toe of the peasant so near the real of the courtier, he galls hi kibe? (V. i.).

He bemoans the shortness of life, and the waste that is death. He fears when he dies that he will be nothing more than the bones of some individual and is scared of being forgotten. Hamlet has nothing to fear but fear itself, yet he fears almost everything that lies ahead of him.

In conclusion, Hamlet?s tormenting ways are an escape from the frustration surrounding him. Throughout the play his sarcasm elevates to straight out blunt rudeness. He encounters situations, which he acts upon in fearful ways. In Hamlets case his mission to kill Claudius results in his own demise. Sometimes we look to closely at our plans and find reasons for not carrying them out.