Huntington Library Essay, Research Paper
On Thursday afternoon, I went to Huntington Library with Thao and Jane. When we arrived at the library we found that there was exhibits on Jack London and George Washington. We bought the entry ticket, which was green, and went into the library. We started in the first exhibit on our right hand side. It was the exhibit on Jack London and George Washington. We started with Jack London first. Jack London was a famous writer as well as a adventurer. Throughout his life time, he had spent his short forty years writing fifty books, which would consist of novels, short story collections and notification works. He wrote the books wtih the adventure experiences that he had went through. He’s most famous for the two books, White Fang and The Call of the Wild. While in his teen years, Jack London was forced to earn money to help support the household. Worked at a series of unskilled laboring jobs, he tried to escape because he was hungered for advenure and knowledge. He declared that college would slow down his learning and writing ability. Therefore, he had dropped out from University of California – Berkeley. He started his writing careers, and mailed all his works to publishers, but kept getting rejected. In summer of 1897, London escaped “work beast” in common labor, sailed for Juneau with his brother-in-law Jones H. Shepard, determined to strike rich in the Alaska Gold rush. During that time, he had wrttien The Call of the Wild (1903), and White Fang(1906). As a journalist, Jack London’s hunger for adventure would always bring him to be happen at the center of an event, such as Russo – Japanese war in 1904. Jack London has once said.
” I would rather be ashes than dust ! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled drypot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnified glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time”
This quote by London has shown that though London’s life was short, but he had used his time wisely. Having gone through with so much adventures in his life, and gained knowledges from it, the fourty years that he had been living was worthwhile. In George Washington’s exhibit, the museum has displayed many of the real documents which Washington has written, the gun that he has once used, forks he has once ate with, silver candlestick, oval silver tray, silver bottle stand, and etc. One interesting fact that I found was, Washington didn’t have any children of his own, instead he and Martha Washington had raised two fatherless children at Mount Vernon and in the presidential Household in New York and Philadelphia. Washington also owned slaves, William Lee is Washington’s personal slave, who accompanied him throughout the Revolution. His friend, Thomas Jefferson had said the following quote to show Washington’s attitude when constitution was established “Washington often declared to me that he has considered our new constitution as an experiment on the particability of republican government, and with that dose of liberty man could be trusted for his own good.” (Thomas Jefferson, 1814)George Washington’s exhibit had given me a furthur step of understanding about him. While reading some of the early document, I found George Washington had a very nice handwriting! In the same exhibit toward the center was some artifacts from 1700’s and 1800’s. Some of the furnitures I saw, such as chairs, tables, are rather antique. The earliest artifact displayed is from 1455, which is a bible. Biblia Latina, Matinaz (”The Gutenberg Bible”) It was the first substantial printed books, the “42 lined” Bible is generally thought to have been produced by Johnann Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany between 1452 and 1455. There are two volume work, however only one was displayed. While walking down the aisle, I saw many sculptures such as, “Boy with grapes and Girl with Doves” by Louis-Felix De La Rue(1731-1765). Three figures and figure groups by Etinne-Maurice Falconet. (1716-1791). The most interesting sculpture that I’ve found is called “Boy with bird cage”, the interesting fact about this sculpture was, the bird cage is missing. There are also many vases displayed as we walk from room to room. The one I found most standing out was called Gamiture of Three Vases (Vase “C de 1780″ or vase Paris nouvelle forme,) French. The declorations was in 18th century. The three vases are pink with human(women) figures in the center. In Exhibit 2, it has focused more on paintings. When I walked into the main gallery, there are many famous paintings hung on the wall. The one I liked the most is called “The Blue Boy”, in the painting, there is a boy standing tall, one hand on the waist, looked very confident. One interesting fact about this painting was, it has been modified by a lazor. Before it was modified, there was a man standing behind the boy and a dog lying besides him. After the modification, man is gone, and dog had turned into grass. Through the painitngs I saw, many are based on mother-infant. “Madonna and her Child”, this is painted back in 1907 and it was restored also by a lazor in 1953. There are also many furnitures displayed, such as clocks, window seats, chairs and silverwares. Pair of Saucebouts, Daublin, made in 1750. Sideboard Dish Dublin, 1725 by Philip Kinnesley. There are two floors in this exhitbit, downstairs focuses more on paintings, and upstairs focuses on furnitures and paintings. In the experience to Huntington Library, I learned more information about 1700’s and 1800’s, and additional informations about Jack London and George Washington. I was amazed by the technology that we have in modifying and restoring an old painting. Astonished by some of the art works and sculptures. This trip would help me in understanding the settings in the 1700’s and 1800’s more when I read the novels or plays from the period.