, Research Paper
The Rise and fall of Russia
By: Mike Cromartie
Russia was a huge land mass, almost one sixth of the world was Russian. That s a lot of land, and people. If put to the right use under the right leader this could be one of the major super powers of the world. It had its time, but it s also had its down time.
The Rise of Russia was the beginning of Communism. People were organized and people had leaders. The country came together for the first time in hundreds of years. Lenin, and Stalin are both people who made Russia a super Power. They didn t make it very nice for the people who lived there, but they made the country huge.
The fall of Russia came when Communism left. The people had no leader; they couldn t function on their own. The economy was gone, whatever it ever was. Chernobyl was one of the other reasons the government of Russia fell.
Chernobyl was a nuclear power plant in the heart of a major city in Russia. Chernobyl had a melt down, a joint US and Japanese research team set up in Hiroshima to study the effects of radiation on the survivors of the A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Forty years later, they had found no evidence that there were any genetic problems in any of the survivors children. In contrast, Yuri E.
Dubrova of the University of Leicester in England and his colleagues claim that they have found evidence that germline mutation rates in humans can be increased by ionizing radiation. Dubrova’s team compared specific gene segments taken from the blood of people in 79 families that lived in an exposed area surrounding Chernobyl. Also they studied 105 members from unexposed families in the United Kingdom. All children in both groups were born 8 years after the melt down. The researchers studied gene segments known as minisatellite loci, repeating patterns of roughly 5 to 45 bases, the units that make up DNA. No one knows the genetic purpose, if any, of minisatellites, but their variation from person to person enables scientists to use them as the basis of so-called genetic fingerprinting . Because a child’s DNA represents a combination of germline DNA from both parents, any sequence in the child that does not have either parents DNA in it, must result from a germline mutation. Dubrova’s team therefore looked for minisatelite sequences in the children’s DNA that did not appear in either of the parents DNA. They found twice the number of mutations
In children of exposed Belarus parents as in U.K. children. We are 99 percent sure that these are real germline mutations and they have been passed from parent to child
Communism, or a system of political and economic organization in which property is owned by the community and all citizens share in the enjoyment of the common wealth, more or less according to their need.” In 1917 the rise of power in the Marxist-inspired Bolsheviks in Russia along with the consolidation of power by Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, the word communism
Came to mean a totalitarian system controlled by a single political party. This came to justify that the means of production is controlled and the wealth is distributed with the goal of producing a classless or possibly a stateless society. The ideological meaning of communism arose in 1848 with the publication of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel s. They believed that communism is inevitable and is an outcome of the historical process. They believed that the “struggle between an exploiting class, the capitalists at present age, and an exploited class, the workers, would enter a crucial stage in the period of capitalism where industrialization occurs and that the effects of industrialization is to heighten and intensify the internal contradictions in capitalism.” To put it bluntly they believed that the
Ownership of industry would be in fewer and fewer hands where the workers would plunge into a state of ever-increasing misery. These impoverished workers grow in numbers and organize themselves into a political party, which would lead a revolution in which they dispose of the capitalists. The proletariat would establish a society governed by a ” dictatorship of the proletariat” based on communal ownership of the wealth. According to Marx this phase of human society is referred to as socialism. Communism is the final transcendence of this revolution in which there is a break up and elimination of the state and no class division. That is the primary reason that it was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed.
Those reasons, which I just discussed, were the main reasons to the fall of the Soviet Union and Russia. Russia is forever going up and down depending on what the world is doing. Right now in 2000 Russia is in pretty bad shape still. They are slowly trying to get businesses to become competitive and let the people own businesses. Russia is becoming more and more free for it s people, I predict sometime in the not so distant future Russia will be enough of a free country that their economy will rise and the country will become more stable.