Cry Of The Beloved Essay, Research Paper
Cry the Beloved Country
Book One
Theme Quotes
Because the white man has power, we too want power, he said. But when a black man gets power, when he gets money, he is a great man if he is not corrupted. I have seen it often. He seeks power and money to put right what is wrong, and when he gets them, why, he enjoys the power and the money. Now he can gratify his lusts, now he can arrange ways to get white man s liquor, he can speak to thousands and hear them clap their hands. Some of us think when we have power, we shall revenge ourselves on the white man who has had power, and because our desire is corrupt, we are corrupted, and the power has no heart in it. But most white men do not know this truth about power, and they are afraid lest we get it. (Paton 39)
This is a quote explaining the power a white man has over a black man. It shows that a black man is a great man if he becomes wealthy and does not become corrupted. It is expressed that a black man needs money to put himself out of poverty and the problems that come with poverty. If given wealth he can therefore satisfy himself and this can lead to the problem of greed and selfishness which causes corruption. In relation to the theme, a white man fears a black man receiving power because he has treated blacks unfairly and in a his own eyes, if a black man is powerful, he believes he will feel the wrath and hatred of the black man.
There is only one thing that has power completely, and that is love. Because when a man loves, he seeks no power, and therefore he has power. I see only one hope for our country, and that is when white men and black men, desiring neither power nor money, but desiring only the good of their country, come together to work for it. (Paton 39-40)
This quote explains that true power lies in the concept of love. When blacks and whites unite together to help each other and love each other, power is not needed to distinguish between who is greater. The only hope for South Africa is when all races come together to work things out as a country and unite to resolve all conflicts establishing peace throughout the country.
Have no doubt it is fear in the land. For what can men do when so many have grown lawless? Who can enjoy the lovely land, who can enjoy the seventy years, and the sun that pours down on the earth, when there is fear in the heart? Who can walk quietly in the shadow of the jacarandas, when their beauty is grown to danger? Who can lie peacefully abed, while the darkness holds some secret? What lovers can lie sweetly under the stars, when menace grows with the measure of their seclusion? There are voices crying what must be done, a hundred, a thousand voices. But what do they help if one seeks for counsel, for one cries this, and one cries that, and another cries something that is neither this nor that. (Paton 75)
There is fear in the land. The blacks fear the whites and in a way the whites fear the blacks. There are hatred crimes and extreme discrimination between that of the minority race and those of the white. The country of South Africa seeks peace. This quote shows how fear is taking over the nation. The white man is taking control of everything. What used to be beautiful no longer appears to be seen as pleasant. The question is what can be done to improve the nation.
But what does one do, when one cries this thing, and one cries another? Who knows how we shall fashion a land of peace where black outnumbers white so greatly? Some say that the earth has bounty enough for all, and that more for one does not mean less for another. They say that poor paid labour means a poor nation, and that better paid labour means greater markets and greater scope for industry and manufacture. And others say that this is a danger, for better paid labour will not only buy more but will also read more, think more, ask more, and will not be content to be forever voiceless and inferior. Who knows how we shall fashion such a land? For we fear not only the loss of our possessions, but the loss of our superiority and the loss of our whiteness. Some say it is true that crime is bad, but would this not be worse? Is it not better to hold what we have, and to pay the price of it with fear? And others say, can such fear be endured? For is it not this fear that drives men to ponder these things at all? (Paton78-79)
This explains that it will be difficult for the country to settle their conflicts between each other and seek peace. Different ideas are expressed on how to manage the land ,but it is hard to determine what is the best thing to do. Crime is a factor in the society, and it influences the emotions and feelings of individuals in the society. To assure peace one has to feel comfortable where they live not having to fear they will be robbed or even murdered for their belongings.
One could go back knowing better the things that one fought against, knowing better the kind of thing that one must build. He would go back with a new and quickened interest in the school, not as a place where children learned to read and write and count only, but as a place, where they must be prepared for life in any place to which they might go. Oh for education for his people, for schools up and down the land, where something might be built that would serve them when they went away to the towns, something that would take the place of the tribal law and custom. For a moment he was caught up in a vision, as man so often when he sits in a place of ashes and destruction. (Paton 88)
This is a quote explaining the concept of the struggle that was seen in the native community. A native not only would seek education in school but also in life as a whole so that he or she could be ready for the real world. The struggle for freedom and the cry for equality could be achieved if one was determined to advance past the steps of ashes and destruction.
Book Two
Some people said there must be more education, but a boy with people said there must be more education, but a boy with education did not want to work on the farms, and went off to the towns to look for more congenial occupation. The work was done by old men and women, and when the grown men came back from the mines and the towns, they sat in the sun and drank their liquor and made endless conversation. (Paton 130-131)
This quote explains the typical life displayed by a native. Some think more education is the only way out of the life they live. But the native community was affected by this because the educated, once they had left, did not want to return back to their community to work on farms and help their families. Instead the old aged men and women worked and the returning ones that were educated just sat there and drank lazily.
It is permissible to develop any resources if the labour is forthcoming. But it is not permissible to develop any resources if they can be developed only at the cost of the labour. It is not permissible to mine any gold, or manufacture any product, or cultivate any land, if such mining and manufacture and cultivation depend for their success on a policy of keeping labour poor. It is not permissible to add to one s possessions if these things can only be done at the cost of other men. Such development has only one true name, and that is exploitation. It might have been permissible in the early days of our country, before we became aware of its cost, in the disintegration of native community life, in the deterioration of native family life, in poverty, slums and crime. But now that the cost is known, it is no longer permissible. (Paton 145)
It is tolerable to work and produce products if it worth it. However, if a person is not getting paid for the full price of his work and is being cheated when he or she is putting out the fullest work it is not tolerable. This quote shows right from wrong. It is not fair for a native to be working in the mines and getting the white man gold when in return he is not receiving a full amount of pay for his actions. It is simply defined in the term exploitation. It is the cause of the deterioration in black native families, which is causing poverty and leading to crime.
The old tribal system was, for all its violence and savagery, for all its superstition and witchcraft, a moral system. Our natives today produce criminals and prostitutes drunkards, not because it is their nature to do so, but because their simple system of order and tradition and convention has been destroyed. It was destroyed by the impact of our own civilization. Our civilization has therefore an inescapable duty to set up another system of order and tradition and convention. (Paton 146)
This is a quote explaining the destruction of the native system. It has been destroyed by the white man. The rejection of where natives stay and where they are limited to roam has destroyed their system. It has produced criminals, prostitutes, and hatred due to the way they are treated.
In the deserted harbour there is yet water that laps against the quays. In the dark and silent forest there is a leaf that falls. Behind the polished panelling the white ant eats away the wood. (Paton 190)
This is a quote explaining some kind of emptiness. The darkness of a deserted harbor where there is lonesome waves slap against the quays. A dark image is visualized in a silent forest where it seems to be empty. The quietness is that of an ant eating away wood.
But a Judge may not trifle with the Law because the society is defective. If the law is the law of a society that some feel to be unjust, it is the law and the society that must be changed. In the meantime there is an existing law that must be administered, and it is the sacred duty of a Judge to administer it. (Paton 200)
This is an explanation of the law. It is not the Judge s decision to make the law, but the judge must administer it. If unjust the law must be changed by society and not by the judge.
Book Three
Yes, God save Africa, the beloved country. God save us from the deep depths of our sins. God save us from the fear that is afraid of justice. God save us from the fear that is afraid of men. God save us all. (Paton 225)
This is a quote asking God to save the mother land Africa. Asking God to forgive the sins of men who have lived in the land and contributed to its corruption. It is asking God to save the individuals souls who fear what will happen each day in the country of South Africa.
I have never thought that a Christian would be free of suffering, umfundisi. For our Lord suffered. And I come to believe that he suffered, not to save us from suffering, but to reach us how to beat suffering. For he knew that there is no life without suffering. (Paton 227)
This is a quotation intended to comfort Kumalo when filled with grief. It compares the suffering of Christ to everyday life. There cannot be life without suffering therefore as a Christian, one should have more faith than any other individual who does not know Christ.
That men should walk upright in the land where they were born, and be free to use the fruits of the earth, what was there evil in it? Yet men were afraid, with a fear that was deep, deep in the heart, a fear so deep that they hid their kindness or brought it out with fierceness and anger, and hid it behind fierce and frowning eyes. (Paton 276)
I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they turn to loving they will find we are turned to hating. (Paton 276)
This explains the fear that lurks inside of the heart of Msimangu. He fears that once the white man turns his heart from hating to a heart of love; the natives will turn to hatred and will not forgive the white man for his evil actions.
Where would we be without the white man s milk. Where would we be without all that this white man has done for us? Where would you be also? Would you be working for him here? (Paton 267)
This is quote showing how the white man has controlled a native s life. They have taken everything away from the natives and caused them to depend on them for jobs, and necessities throughout society. Since the white man owns everything he causes the black man to depend on him for daily living. This contributes to the struggle.
But when that dawn will come, of our emancipation, from the fear of bondage and the bondage of fear, why, that is a secret. (Paton 277)
This quote anticipates the answer to the struggle. One awaits patiently the day they will break from the fear which they are confined to. It is like a kept secret when the day of freedom shall arrive for the natives.