and a few radical spokespersons have alleged that
the international birth control movement is
attempting to curtail the population growth of
Third World countries for racist reasons. A similar
argument has been heard within the United States
with regard to ethnic minorities; the latter,
however, voluntarily seek family planning in an
equal proportion to nonminorities. Despite such
arguments, most educated individuals and
governments acknowledge that the health benefits
of regulating fertility and slowing the natural
expansion of the world’s population are matters of
critical importance. Louise B. Tyrer, M.D.
Bibliography: Belcastro, P. A., The Birth Control
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Carl, The Politics of Contraception (1981);
Filshie, Marchs, and Guillebaud, John,
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Gordon, Linda, Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right:
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Knight, James W., and Callahan, Joan C.,
Preventing Birth: Contemporary Methods and
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Audrey, The Fight for Family Planning (1980);
Lieberman, E. J., and Peck, Ellen, Sex and Birth
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Loudon, Nancy, and Newton, John, eds.,
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