– President Roosevelt Essay, Research Paper
competition and many markets. So in order to restore free competition, President Roosevelt ordered the Justice department to prosecute the companies practicing a monopolies. He in intervened in 1902 during the Anthracite Coal, Strike, when the United Mine Workers were willing to make a settlement, but the coal operators stubbornly opposed to recognize their union. Roosevelt stepped in and ended the strike; he appointed a commission to rule on the issues. Roosevelt also viewed the railroads as a problem and in 1903 the Elkins Act empowered the Interstate Commerce Commission to set its own fair freight rates. This did very little to end the biased rebates that were given to favored corporations by the railroads because of the lack of enforcement but was valiant effort put forth by President Roosevelt. Roosevelt also involved himself in many important conservative social relations. The Secretary of treasury created an inspection organization to certify that cattle for export were free of disease. With disappointing results, Germany and other European countries banned the importation of American meat. Federal regulation helped improve exports to Europe, free competition, another conservative effort. In 1906, the Meat Inspection Act provided for federal and sanitary regulations and inspections in the meat packing facilities. Also, he worked to put in place the Pure Food and Drug Act, which prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of corrupted-labeled foods and drugs in accordance with consumer demands. Roosevelt who was a big environmentalist also passed many conservation laws from 1902 to 1908 to create federal irrigation projects, national parks and forests, develop water power, and establish the Nation Conservation Commission to oversee the nation?s resources. Roosevelt had many successful accomplishments, most of which were progressive in nature. He was also was the 1st of the string of Progressive presidents. Although, Wilson may have had better results with his accomplishments than did Roosevelt with his. These factors are why he is the more progressive of the two.