Competition For Grades Essay, Research Paper
In the world today competition is all around. In sports, much fierce
competition is shown. All athletes compete for one thing and one thing
only, which is a national championship. Competition also exists in the
workplace. Employees will try and beat the other employee for the highest
rank in the business. However, out of all of this competition, the most
intense, exists in school. Students compete for popularity, classes, spots on
sports teams and most of all grades. Through this competition for grades
students negatively suffer socially, mentally and physically. Therefore,
competition for grades has an unhealthy influence on students.
When students compete for grades he suffers with his social life.
When a student begins to compete for a grade, he may result in cheating.
When he cheats off of someone and maybe gets caught, he will get
suspended. Once he gets suspended, his parents will be very disappointed in
him. Once his parents find out they may ground him for a while. He may
then not be able to compete in after school activities and he could lose his
friends. Hence, when a student competes for grades, he suffers socially.
Furthermore, competing for grades has negative physical effects on a
student. When a student begins to over study, he may begin to become very
tired as well. When a student is tired and trying to study, he may resort to
pills. The pills will keep him awake longer. While he stays awake, he may
begin to overeat. When overeating, he may become obese. Becoming
obese may put a lot of extra stress on him. From this extra stress he may
also develop ulcers too. Thus, when students begin to compete for grades, it
has devastating effects on his body.
Moreover, in school, in school students suffer mentally when competing
for grades. A student may develop depression as his grades begin to fall.
When this happens, the student’s self-esteem drops, and he could lose all
self-confidence. Once this happens, a student may make a last ditch effort to
turn it around, and he may begin to over study. When a student starts to
over study, he pushes himself so much that he may go over the edge, and he
even may start to blank on test. Blanking on a test may hurt the student’s
grades even more then they already were. Now, since the grades are even
worse, the parents could become disappointed in their child. He may think
everyone is against him. This may turn him to the thought of suicide to
escape all of his worries. In conclusion, many students suffer mentally when
competing for a grade.
Therefore, competition for grades has an unhealthy influence on students.
Students lose their social lives while competing for grades. They also suffer
physically. The greatest problem of all when a student competes for grades
is they undergo great mental hardship.