’s “Orientation” And Reed’s “Naming Of Parts” Essay, Research Paper
ENGL 1102
The short story “Orientation” by Daniel Orozco and the poem “Naming of Parts” by Henry Reed both show a teacher giving instructions. In “Naming of Parts” the teacher enthusiastically describes the different parts of a gun, while comparing this to the beauty of nature in his or her mind. “Orientation” is a story about an office worker who starts a new job and a co-worker shows them around the office. The orientation leader also lets the worker know the rules within the office and gives a little insight about the co-workers personal lives. In both stories the tone, setting, and the form provide images that show how repetitive and boring our lives become after doing something for so long, and also show the things that we do to make our situations more interesting.
In “Naming of Parts” it seems as if there are two voices within the poem. Throughout the poem there is the instructor who seems to be an expert on guns. Carefully detailing each part of the gun, he describes each gun part’s function as well as what needs to be done to operate it. Also in the poem we have a second voice; this voice compares this “naming of parts” to nature and its beauty.
When thinking of two different voices, my first instinct was that there were two different people, but further analysis led me to believe there is only one person. Here instead of having a teacher instructing and student daydreaming, we have a teacher who is finding a way to channel his boredom in teaching into deeper thoughts. The instructor has developed a routine and by doing so he becomes bored very easily. In order to pass the time he compares his instructions to nature.
In the first stanza the instructor’s routine is noticeable, “Today we have a naming of parts. Yesterday, We had daily cleaning. And tomorrow morning, We shall have what to do after firing?” This shows that week in and week out the instructor does the same exact thing. Toward the end is where the second voice starts in about nature and its beauty. The last line of every verse reiterates something that is already said. This repetition not only fits into the instructor’s routine but also relates the instructions to his thoughts of nature. When comparing the two in the second verse, he shows us the sling swivels and says we will learn how to use them when we are given our slings, which will hold our guns when we get them. The teacher next mentions how the branches in a garden hold silent, eloquent gestures, which are yet to be revealed or which we haven’t gotten. The teacher compares the sling that will hold the gun to a garden that holds many secrets, both of which will be revealed or give to us later on.
The poem starts out with “Today we have a naming of parts?” and ends with the same line. Thus showing that our instructor is basically back where he started. Tomorrow he will start a new day with the same old boring way of naming the parts of a gun. In the last stanza the instructor’s thoughts about nature throughout the poem are all tied together in comparison with the gun parts. This joining of thoughts is a summary of the teacher’s actions throughout the day, without these thoughts he would surely go insane.
“Orientation” is a story about the briefing of a new office worker by one of the co-workers. The new worker is shown the cubicle in which to sit in. The cubicles throughout the offices are symbols of a cage in which the worker will be confined to. The unseasoned worker learns the basic rules such as no personal calls at work and how long the day will be, while constantly being reminded that if these rules are broken that “you will be let go.”
When reading the story the orientation leader not only informs the newcomer of the basic rules around the workplace, but also clues our trainee in on the so-called unspoken rules. These unspoken rules are the any and everything that is known about everyone in the office. Seeing this brings to mind a woman because women tend be known to gossip more than men, but if the orientator where a man then it would be easier to see how tedious and redundant the job is. People sometimes will do anything in order to make life more interesting and getting in on everyone else’s business is a way to make this tiresome workplace a bit more exciting.
The people that work in the office each have different things to know about them. For example there are attractions for one another throughout the office. Amanda Pierce is in love with Albert Bosch. Albert Bosch likes Ellie Tapper, while Ellie Tapper has got a thing for Curtis Lance. Each and everyone hates their crush. Then there is Anika Bloom who can predict how people will die and Kevin Howard is a serial killer. All of this eerie knowledge about everyone makes one wonder if any of it is true. While some of it could be, it goes to show how na?ve people can become when they are searching for some excitement.
Within the story special emphasis is also put on certain things throughout the office such as the coffee maker and the supply closet. Orozco uses this emphasis help us further realize that sometimes something as ordinary as a coffee maker can be a symbol of relief from their daily tasks. Sometimes becoming so caught up in a particular situation leads you to look for a way out. Making coffee and going to the supplies closet is this relief.
Boredom is a disease that will be around forever, what we do to rid ourselves from this plague will effect everything around us. Both “Naming of Parts” and “Orientation” show us that no matter how dull our lives become some of the most irrelevant things around us can be enough to