На территории СК множество озер. Крупнейшее пресноводное озеро Лох-Ней находится в северной Ирландии. Площадь зеркала озера 381 км2. Многие озера Великобритании, образовавшиеся в результате движения ледников миллионы лет назад, необычайно глубоки: глубина Лох-Ломонда превышает 200 м. Лох-Морара – 300 м., а Лох-Несс с глубиной 275 м. служит, как говорят, прекрасным обиталищем легендарного чудовища палеозоя Несси. Все вышеперечисленные озера находятся в Шотландии. Много красивейших озер, находится в северо-западной Англии, которая так и называется «Озерный край» (Lake District).
The United Kingdom to Great britain and North Ireland, which for brevity quite often name England or Great britain, - one of the the most old of the capital having kept world. The Territory SK - 244 thous. km, population - 57 mln. person. The Capital kingdom - a city London. The Official language english.
This is a main state, located on northwest of the Europe, occupies the island Great britain, northeasterly part to Ireland (Olister), as well as island: Maine, Anglsi west, Uayt and Channel islands in the south, Gebridskie island on northwest, Scottish and Orkney on southeast and row adjoining small island (whole beside 5,5 thous..). SK - one of the the most small state in the world (for instance, in 2 times less, than France or Spain). However, Great britain occupies the tenth place in the world on count, but London - one of the seeds the most largest city world. Zero Grinvichskiy meridian passes Through Great britain.
The West seaside of the country is washed by Atlantic ocean and Irish by sea, but east - North by sea; from continental part of the Europe she is separated narrow strait - La-Manshem and Step-de-Excrement (English channel and Strait of Dover), maximum width of the strait west 220 km., in the east minimum 32 km. four historians-geographical provinces enter In composition state: England - his(its) main kernel, occupying south and average part main island; Wales, is located on of the same name peninsula, west country and forming with her administrative united integer; The Scotland, residing in north part of island Great britain, having some elements to autonomies and presented in government by secretary on deals of the Scotlands; North Ireland (Olister), which became the part SK in 1922; after called on in her at December 1921 plebiscite, northeasterly part to Ireland was joined to Great britain as autonomous her(its) part with its parliament. British troops are incorporated In 1969 there; with 1972 she practically became to finish the central government.
In accordance with modern administrative fission, England and Wales are divided on county, Scotland on regions. In turn county and regions subdivide on neighborhood. All of these have a local home rule. In composition of the north Ireland 26 counties. The Special status in 1964 has got Big London.
In spite of small sizes of the Great britain, ensemble of the varied forms of the relief meets on her(its) territory. There are sorts On island practically all geological period. The Big part of territory to Great britain is characterized by rough relief.
The Abudance of the precipitation and mountain relief of the country makes condition muchwatering rivers. Their ensemble though big part - short. The most long river - North (338 km.) rises in mountain Wales and falls into Bristoliskiy bay; Lankashirskuyu lowland crosses Mersey, falling into Liverpuliskiy bay. The Main river of the east seaside - a Thames (336 km.) flows on most густо populated region of the south-east England. FAIR-Scottish lowland also rich river; the most important of them - Clyde (157 km.) and Fort.
On territory SK ensemble lake. The most Largest freshwater lake Loh-She is found in north Ireland. The Area of the mirror lake 381 km2. Many lakes to Great britain, formed as a result of motion glacier millions of the years back, необычайно deep: depth Loh-Lomonda exceeds 200 m. Loh-Morara - 300 m., but Loh-Ness with depth 275 m. serves, what speak, beautiful обиталищем storied monster палеозоя Nessi. All afore-mentioned lake are found in Scotlands. Much the most beautiful lakes, is found in northwest England, which so and is identified "Lake edge" (Lake District).
3. Отрывок текста по изучаемой специальности и его перевод.
"Правоведение" - одна из самых популярных юридических специальностей. Студенты этой специальности изучают 11 видов права (от конституционного до экологического). Много внимания уделяется особенностям ведения гражданского и уголовного процессов. В программу обучения входят также нотариат и основы деятельности правоохранительных судебных органов.
Место специальности в области юриспруденции, деятельность юриста направлена на реализацию правовых норм и обеспечение правопорядка в различных сферах жизни общества. Объектами профессиональной деятельности юриста по специальности «Правоведение» являются правовые отношения граждан и организаций.
Юрист по специальности «Правоведение» в соответствии с фундаментальной и специальной подготовкой может осуществлять правоприменительную деятельность в организациях различных форм собственности.
" Jurisprudence" - one of the the most popular legal professions. The Students to this professions study 11 types of the right (from constitutional before ecological). Much attention are spared particularity of conduct civil and criminal processes. In program of the education enter also notary and bases to activity law-enforcement judicial organ.
The Place to professions in the field of jurisprudence, activity of the lawyer is directed on realization of the legal rates and provision of law and order in different sphere of the lifes society. The Object to professional activity of the lawyer on professions " Jurisprudence" are a legal relations of the people and organization.
The Lawyer on professions " Jurisprudence" in accordance with fundamental and special preparation can realize uses right activity in organization of the different property categories.
4. Список используемой литературы:
1. Харионовский Д.А. «Начальный курс обучения английскому языку» - Москва; 2005г.
2.Конструкции и обороты английского языка. Хорнби А. С., 1992
3. Деловой английский язык. Учебное пособие. Составитель Пинская Е. В., 1998
4. Грамматика английского языка. Беляева М. А., 1984
5.Мюллер В.К..Русско-английскийсловарь.