through the service closet and use the control panel to open the broken door. If
you need it, grab the full health powerup in the compartment to the left of R2
Go through the newly opened door and end up in a hallway. To the left is a
destroyer droid carousel and a dead end. Destroyer droids are a nightmare! It is
possible to kill the destroyer droids by having their shots reflect off your
lightsaber and back at them, but this takes practice. The thermal detonator will
hardly put a dent in them, so don’t waste it. You really need a proton missile
launcher, which you don’t have yet. You don’t have to go left, but if you are
quick, go beyond the destroyer droid carousel to the worker droid, and kill her
immediately before she can release them.
If you chose not to go left, go right, down the hallway, and your path is
blocked by a locked door. Go into the open control room on the right near the
locked door and use the handprint panel. It will open up a hidden area with a
battle droid in it directly across from you. Go across and kill the battle
droid. There’s a full health in the service closet, but it will only open if the
R2 unit is in this room with you. If he’s not already there, go back down the
hallway and find the R2 unit (he may be hiding behind the destroyer droid
carousel) and coax him into this room. Once again, use the handprint panel to
unlock the big door.
Follow Qui-Gon and go straight ahead all the way to the next intersection. The
trade federation viceroy closes the blast doors (you may even get a quick
glimpse at him), and you are ambushed by more destroyer droids. These guys have
personal shields and are hard to kill. So follow Qui-Gon’s advice: tuck your
tail between your ass, Jedi-boy, and get the hell out of there! Go right, and
another locked door blocks your path. Take the small opening to your left. You
run down a long hallway, but the floor gives way and you fall into a shaft. You
are separated from Qui-Gon and on your own for the rest of this level.
Follow the catwalk into a hangar, and watch as your ship is blown to bits. Keep
going down the path. Maintenance droids are cleaning this area, and can
electrocute you if you’re not careful. Avoid walking too close in front of or
behind them, or they will zap you. Use your blaster (not your saber) from afar
to kill them.
This area is a bit of a maze, but it’s not very big. Keep to the right side of
the maze until you come to a door with a red, double triangular symbol on it.
Face the door. Then go to the area to the left where there is a handprint panel
that opens it (note the same triangle symbol near the panel). If you find
yourself at the ventilation fan (or blades in the floor), then you’ve gone too
far. Just turn around and you should see the control panel on the wall.
Use the control panel, and run as fast as you can back to the triangle-symbol
door you passed earlier. There is a maintenance droid inside, so let him pass
first. Go inside quickly and use the handprint (notice the double circle symbol
– it opens a door with this same symbol on it). Exit the room, go straight
until you hit a wall, then right into the newly opened door. The doors are
timed, so if you don’t make it, you’ll have to do it all over again. The control
panels and two doors are in such close vicinity so you can’t get lost too easily
(I hope).
Follow the new path past the fan into another cramped hallway. The fork to the
left will take you to a room with three battle droids and a full health powerup.
After you’re done taking them out, go back down the hallway. There’s a grate in
the floor. If you can manage to jump the grate, you’ll come to a room with a
thermal detonator. Go back, and the grate will give way under your feet. Go
straight until you reach an intersection with two blue doors and a red door.
There are a lot of battle droids here to kill. They’ll come out the right door
first, then the door straight ahead. After that, look at the hallway behind you
for more droid action.
Directly across from the red door is a room with two boxes and a pit in the
floor. The box on the right is hiding a full health powerup. Push the box into
the pit and hopefully you’ll take a droid or two out. Jump down into the pit and
kill any battle droids that are left. Turn around and use the handprint to open
up the big doors. Talk to the Neimoidian for background information. Go into the
service closet on the left and use your lightsaber or blaster to destroy the
power generator (the lights will go out). The red door should now be open.
To get out of the pit, just jump up onto the ledge or wait for the small
elevator to lower/raise and exit the room. Fight more droids. Go through the red
door. Immediately go to the elevator to the left and use it, because there is a
starfighter droid (the big one with pointy legs) on the ground. Kill the battle
droid once you reach the upper platform. To make the starfighter droid
disappear, go through the small hallway about 2 to 3 feet (relatively speaking).
When the starfighter sees that it has nothing to kill, the starfighter will go
away (you can watch him leave to the left through the grates).
Once it’s gone, exit the hallway and take the elevator back down to the ground.
Kill any battle droids that are left. There is a small health powerup on top of
one of the crates. See that crate sticking out? It’s just begging to be touched.
If you move it, you can find a secret room with a thermal detonator and a small
health powerup. In the upper right corner of this room, you can pull out another
crate and find a secret room within a secret room. This second room has a proton
missile launcher with five missiles.
If you want a nice view of the hangar bay, go through the blue tunnel off to one
side. Once you’re through, go back up the elevator onto the upper platform. (If
you missed it earlier, you can use the panel and go through the big door to find
three droids and a full health powerup). From the upper platform, go back into
the hallway (where you hid from the starfighter) and continue forward until you
find yourself on a catwalk. Keep walking, and you’ll soon hear Qui-Gon say “Obi-
Wan.” He’s on the left catwalk below you. Wait for him to speak. Follow his
directions, and find a way off the planet.
Keep walking until you reach a dead end where an elevator should be. You need to
find a way to bring the elevator up to this area. Go down the path near the
elevator, and it’s time to play the moving catwalk game. There is a purple
barrier blocking your path. Go left, press the control panel to move the barrier
The barrier is now blocking the path that you just came from, and freeing the
path that was blocked before. Follow the new path until you get to another
control panel. Press it, and it will activate a moving catwalk to your left.
Quickly cross it and press the control panel at the end. This will call up the
elevator. Wait on this catwalk until it moves back into place on the other side.
Once in place, use the control panel on this catwalk one more time. This will
move the purple barrier back into its original position. Exit, and now you are
free to use the elevator.
You are now on the lower catwalk that Qui-Gon was on. There is only a dead end
to the left. So go the other way (right). A couple of hovering platforms with
droids on it will start rising up toward you. You can fight them or just keep
running forward. A platform on your left (near the dead end you’re coming up on)
will have a control panel on it. Walk onto this platform, and the level will
Level 2: Swamps Of Naboo
Mission: Find Qui-Gon
You start this level on top of a mound in the water. Turn left, and start
swimming. There should be a dry clearing between two trees on the left. If you
can’t find it, just keep swimming along the perimeter of the swamp until you do;
you’ll come upon it eventually.
Once in the clearing, you’ll meet up with several battle droids, and a blaster
with 250 shots. After you kill the droids, jump into the water, go left, and
keep going straight until you come to an uphill path and find Jar Jar Binks.
Talk to him. He runs away from the “meccaneks.” Follow him by turning around and
taking the left path (it goes downhill). You are dumped into the water. Swim
left or right (there’s a lone droid to the left), and you will come to a
clearing with Jar Jar high up on a rock pedestal. In one corner of this
clearing, there is a full health powerup near two droids. After you kill the two
droids and grab the health, you can double jump onto the nearby rock pillar and
snatch the thermal detonator. Don’t forget to kill the droid patrolling a small
ledge near Jar Jar.
To reach Jar Jar, go around the rock he’s on and move the big, square hollow log
to it (the indentation in the grass serves as a path showing you where you
should put the log). Don’t use force push to move objects; it won’t work (the
default “use” key is the spacebar, so use the spacebar in combination with the
arrow keys to move it). Jump up, cross two logs, and jump up onto higher ground.
You’ll cross a third log, but don’t cross it all the way (there’s nothing on the
other side except about 10 droids with your death on their minds). Instead, turn
left, and look down. You should see Jar Jar on the ground below you.
Jump down (grab the Gungan energy ball on the rock on the way down if you can)
and follow Jar Jar. Have your saber handy; there are about seven more droids to
fight. Jump into the water, and to the right there is an alcove with a small
health powerup. Follow Jar Jar out of the water (despite what he says, there is
no safe place!). And watch out for a group of those little round creatures in
groups, and if you stay in one place too long, they’ll start munching on you.
Just run past them quickly and jump over the small stone wall.
From the stone wall, jump into the water. In the upper right there is a small
alcove with a full health powerup. Go back out and continue forward. Kill a
couple of droids, and then you’ll reach a series of staggering earth platforms.
Do what Jar Jar says and “jump to the top.” Once on top, you’ll see Jar Jar run
away from the meccaneks (mechanics).
Follow Jar Jar down a small hill, and you’ll come to an intersection. The left
path will lead you to more droids than you can handle, and the right path will
take you to Jar Jar, who’s high up on a cliff that you can’t reach. You have to
find another way to reach him, so take the center path, and watch out for the
falling trees! Keep going (relatively) straight until you hit a wall and can’t
go straight anymore. From here, go left. You should see a little rock with a
small health powerup on it. From this rock, you want to go right (pick up the
Gungan energy balls in the alcove to the left of the rock if you want).
You should now be at a pond with a couple of big (and killer) fishies. If you’re
unsure about your jumping prowess and are worried about falling into the water,
use your blaster to kill the big fish first (or you’ll become fish food). There
are a few dry islands sticking out of the water that you’ll need to jump across.
Your goal is to get to the shore on the far side. If you’ve killed the big fish,
you can just swim to the small clearing on the right and jump up onto the
On this last earth platform, there is a rock sticking out slightly. You’ll need
to make a running double jump off this rock to reach the next platform. Once
across, continue forward, and make another running double jump off the log onto
the platform where Jar Jar is waiting. Talk to him, and he’ll take off.
This is an area where a lot of people seem to have trouble. You’ll have to make
two running double jumps to reach Jar Jar on the other side. But there’s a STAP
(a droid on a flying machine) attacking you from overhead. It will develop a
flight pattern, so just wait and watch for it. You can try to take it out (jump
up and whack it with your saber) or when it’s out of range, you can try jumping
or taking the vine across. Be wary of the vine at this point though, because if
you’re hit, you’ll get knocked off. In any case, save your game so you don’t
have to find your way back here again. To find the pond if you get knocked down,
turn around, keep hugging the right wall, and continue forward. The pond should
be on the right and is not very far away.
Once on the other side, follow Jar Jar again. You’ll come to an area with a deep
pit and a moveable log. Push the log into the pit. Pull and push it to the other
side, then jump up. And here is where you need to do a running single jump (or
double jump, depending on where you’re standing) to reach the vines. Once on the
vine, go all the way right and press the spacebar to let yourself down again.
You’ll meet up with Jar Jar and a butt-load of droids. If Jar Jar dies, the
level ends (you’re near the end in any case). You can kill the droids with
whatever weapons and ammo you have, but the quick and fun way is to use the
heavy repeating cannon to the left. Get behind it and press the spacebar. You
have to position yourself just right or it won’t work. You can move the
repeating cannon left or right, and you can also move it up and down. Remember
that you are moving the back of the cannon, so if you want to shoot up, you need
to press the down key. And if you want to shoot down, press the up key.
There are destroyer droids hiding inside the two crates on the far side, so try
not to shoot the boxes if you can help it. Also, try not to walk too close to
those two crates, because that can also release the destroyer droids from their
hideout. Whack the crate next to you (near the cannon) and you’ll find a
blaster. There is a full health powerup right next to this crate. After the
battle has ended, follow the path on the right side and you’ll find Qui-Gon and
Jar Jar. That’s the end of this level.
Level 3: Otoh Gunga
Mission: Rescue Jar Jar Binks
Follow Qui-Gon and Jar Jar by walking straight until you reach Boss Nass’
chambers. After the short conversation with Boss Nass, talk to Qui-Gon. Exit the
room. Go left into the next bubble and grab the Gungan energy balls off the red
lounge-couch. Exit, and go straight past the aquarium into a small transport
bubble. Press the button.
Exit the bubble, and your only path out of there is blocked by guard Gungans who
don’t like outlanders. There are two ways out of this situation. You can follow
Qui-Gon’s advice and not kill any of them, or you can go on a shooting rampage.
My first time through I went on a shooting spree (the dark side is strong in my
family), and took great pleasure in silencing those pesky little Gungan punks
who kept calling me a murderer! If you want to preserve ammo, then take the
light side path, because once you kill one Gungan, they’l