started. I know it started in 1991, so there have been years of debate and
controversy about it. There were 160,000 responses to it [the reintroduction].
It was one of the largest responses on a proposed government action.
Works Cited
Askins, Renee. “Releasing Wolves from Symbolism.” Harpers April 1995: 15-17.
Begley, Sharon with Daniel Glick. “The Return of the Native.” Newsweek 23 Jan.
1995: 53.
Bergman, Charles. Wild Echoes: Encounters With the Most Endangered Animals in
North America New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990.
Carpenter, Betsy. “A Precarious Return of the Wolf.” U.S. News and World Report
16 Jan. 1995: 16.
Cranford, Marcella. Personal interview. 30 Nov. 1995. Friends of the Forest
Ketchum, Idaho: Wolf Education and Research Center, 1993.
Johnson, Mark. “Dual Citizenship Awarded to Transported Wolves.” International
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Maughan, Ralph. “Yellowstone Wolf Update.” Return to Wolf Home Page. (27 Nov. 1995).
Neimeyer, Carter. “Precapture Operation–Snaring and Radio Collaring of `Judas’
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Richardson, Valerie. “Decrying Wolves.” National Review 20 Mar. 1995: 28-30.
United States. Department of the Interior. Endangered Species Act. 1973. Section