DRINKING Essay, Research Paper
Drinking alcohol has been a large part of society for many years. People find
that is it easier to meet people when they have had a few drinks. Drinking has
also been used as way to get closer to some one. ?We?ll talk over a six pack,? is
something that people will say when they need to talk about something. There
are also many events that drinking has created. There are cozy bars ?where
everyone knows your name,? wine tasting parties, cocktail parties, and the high
school favorite, house party.
Drinking and Driving is dangerous to yourself and others around you. Some
people don?t drink in today?s society. There are health risks that come from
drinking to much. Liver problems are the most common problems associated with
drinking. Heart problems are also one of the top problems associated with
drinking. Beer has a lot of calories, and if the calories are not worked off it goes
to fat. Alcohol is a depressant, it impairs your ability to drive, slows down your
reaction time and causes you to make some risky decisions that you wouldn’t
normally take. Drinking is against some religions, causing people not to be able
to drink. There is a lot of bad stuff that comes with drinking alcohol. Drinking too
much is bad for you. Alcoholism is a problem that many people have to deal
with. Alcoholism has effected people for a long time, but more recently been
addressed as a physical problem as well as a mental. Alcoholism is chronic
illness characterized by the regular consumption of alcohol to a degree that
interferes with physical or mental health, or with normal social or occupational
behavior. A widespread health problem, it produces both physical and
psychological addiction. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that
reduces anxiety, inhibition, and feelings of guilt; lowers alertness; impairs
perception, judgment, and muscular coordination; and, in high doses, can cause
unconsciousness and even death. Long-term alcoholism damages the brain,
liver, heart, and other organs. College drinking offers many different places
for students to drink. Dorm rooms give a good place for a few people to get
together and have some drinks. It does kind of give an anti-social environment,
people who like to be with each other but not people who they do not know or
like. Yet some students do drink in their rooms before they go out to a party.
They call this pre-partying or pre-gaming. They do this to have a ?buzz? when
they go out to so they can feel more comfortable around people. It is also helpful
if they go to a bar, so they don?t spend as much money on alcohol to get buzzed
or drunk. Some students need to pre-game or else they spent too much money
at a bar, most college students don?t have much money. Students also drink at
fraternity parties and other organized parties. College students usually like these
because of the many people and generally free or have a really cheap cover
charge. These are very social parties; there are usually drinking games or some
sort of reason to drink mass amounts of alcohol.