Ocd Essay, Research Paper
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
A disorder that brings on unwanted thoughts (obsession) and conscious, ritualized acts
(compulsions), usually in attempt to deal with anxiety which is coming from the
Performing these rituals only brings them temporary relief; if they do not perform them,
it brings on increased anxiety. Both ways will leave them stuck in a difficult situation. If
people go untreated, the illness begins to take over their lives. Treatments have been
developed to help anyone with this. Years ago it was thought that people with OCD had
this due to family problems or from attitudes learned early in a child s life. An example
of this is when a parent would repeatedly emphasize cleanliness. Making the child almost
paranoid. But now there is evidence in PET scans that people with OCD have patterns of
brain activity that is different from other mental illnesses or people that do not have
mental illnesses. There is growing evidence that OCD has a neurobiological basis. The
parts that seem to be affected are the thalamus on the right side and the caudate nucleus.
Scientists used PET scans at the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) to
determine whether improvement in OCD, with behavior therapy, significantly changes
glucose s metabolic rates in the caudate nucleus. The results ended in a decrease in
caudate glucose metabolic rates. Before any treatment there were noticeable correlation
of brain activity between parts of the brain. After treatment, the correlation decreased
significantly. PET scans have shown that patients with OCD, who do behavioral therapy
and medication, show changes in the caudate nucleus. Showing that psychotherapy and
medication is very important in recovery. OCD seems to last for years, or even decades.
Sometimes symptoms become worst than other times. There may be times when
symptoms are very mild, but for most individuals with OCD, the disorder is chronic.
A college freshman has stopped showering and dressing normally because the process
takes several hours a day. He hisses and coughs when he eats and repeatedly wipes his
feet and looks backward when he walks. He stays in his room most of the time, eating
only a few carefully selected foods and constantly checking to see that furniture and
wastebaskets are in the right places. (Harvard Mental Health Letter, Oct. 1998, p1-4)
This is what some people have to go through just to get through a normal morning for
them. This case is extreme, but some people are not as bad. OCD affects between two
and four percent of the population. Until the mid 1980 s people had to hide their disorder,
even though it has been around and known by some since Freud s time. In the 1980 s the
Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation (OCF) of Milford, Conn., wrote to ABC s television
20-20 news show about the disorder and how it is not as rare as thought to be. Then,
around 1989, people realized their disorder is okay and started calling into clinics. That is
when it became public. Until recently, most people with OCD did not go to mental health
professionals. They would go to family, doctors or religious counselors. Some thought of
their disorder as shameful. They did not want people to know what they do. Sometimes
depression would be hidden underneath it all. Other psychiatric disorders body
dysmorphic disorder, trichotillomania and Tourette s syndrome are also thought to be
part of an obsessive-compulsive spectrum, because they can use the same treatment as
OCD or have a similar biological basis. According to the Epidemiologic Catchment
Area (ECA) survey, 2.5% of Americans have had the symptoms at some time in their
lives. Most of the people affected by OCD are males, about two-thirds. And around one-
third of adults cases of OCD start when they are children. Features associated with OCD
are: depressed mood, somatic/sexual dysfunction, guilt/obsession, addiction,
anxious/fearful/dependent personality.
As you should know by now the key features are, obsessions-unwanted ideas or impulses
that cannot leave the mind of the person with OCD-and compulsions-repetitive
behaviors-such as hand washing and checking. These people with OCD try to get rid of
these thoughts and stop them from engaging in compulsive behavior. Even when they
resist in public, they will get worse over the years, until they are taken over by their
rituals. There was an old belief that OCD was the result of life experiences. Now we
have knowledge that biological factors are the main contributor. It also has a
neurobiological basis since some people tend to respond well to specfic medications that
affected the neurotransmitter serotonin. In brain-imaging studies (by the NIMH) of OCD
showed abnormal neurochemical activity in the areas that are known to play a role in
neurological disorders, which help to find where OCD lies. They also found studies that
showed less white matter in OCD patients than normal control subjects, which shows the
abnormality. Some theories focused on the interaction between behavior, and also on
beliefs and attitudes, and how information is processed. All of which are cognitive
Could you have OCD? As I looked into this disorder I found a lot of information on
helping people that have OCD. They had tests and questions you could answer to find
out. Sometimes people are called compulsive but that should not confuse anyone.
These are just perfectionist and are very organized, as well. This serves a purpose, maybe
for self-esteem. If you have OCD, you are dealing with life-wrecking obsessions and
rituals. Noticeably different. But there are treatments. The NIHM has provide information
for treatments. Both pharmacological and behavioral help. Patients differ from time to
time; one may benefit more from behavioral than another patient. That is why both are
done. All of this is decided when the patient talks with the therapist. For help you need to
seek a mental health professional. Some family physicians, clinics and health
maintenance organizations can provide treatments and find a health professional for you.
If you go to a university they may have a specialist who is knowledgeable enough about
treatments. Or major medical centers have departments with psychiatric help. The family
can also help out. Families can have a hard time accepting this, but they know they need
to find help. If they get angry or upset it may increase the OCD behavior. Or they might
be extra nice and careful with them. Self-help books give lots of good information on the
disorder, as well. You can also find family therapist that can help everyone affected by
this disorder at once. Encouraging the family member with OCD to take their medicine is
a very good idea. Educational support groups have been made throughout the years, too.
People with OCD are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).