Critical Issues Relating To Cit Essay, Research Paper
Critical issues relating to CIT: experimental studies have
have limitations.
1)Theory applies to ‘behaviour’ conducted through choice
unintentional behaviour such as ‘clumsiness.’
2)Action that is consistent with expected role could also,
confirming stereotypes).
Nevertheless theory has been extended by (Gilbert 1988).
stages involved in trait attribution: -
It is necessary to look at the role of ‘conscious attention
devoting attention to one cog, task results less attention
principle was applied to CIT.
There are 3 stages in trait attribution;
1) ‘Categorizes’ indiv’idual
(What is it about)
2) ‘C’haracterize’ the behaviour (use it to,
3) Situational correction is made to adjust trait attribution
In general all 3 stages are completed.
But in some cases, when others behaviour is obscure or
necessary corrections are not made as our limited cognition
Co variation & Configuration Theory
Kelly’s model (1967) was an addition to attribution theory
model: Co variation & Configuration.
In the lst case, the perceiver has information from different
The perceiver must separate which effects are to be attributed
factors (different sources).
Hence co variation principles is used the model is based
According to Kelly, in attempting to answer ‘why’ about
on info relating to 3 dimensions:
Consensus- (extent to wh
is shown by others).
Consistency- (the extent to which an individual responds
way on different occasions).
Distinctiveness -(the extent to which individuals responds
different situations).
Kelly suggests the 3 dimensions are used to attribute
causes under conditions in which consensus, distinctiveness
In contrast, we attribute another’s behaviour to
consensus, consistency and distinctiveness is high.
Kelly’s assumption has been confirmed in wide range
provides insight into the nature of casual attribution.
Critical issues = co variation principles
Initial studies supported the model, but since it has been
1) Co variation principle is limited, as correlation does
sexual intercourse is cause of pregnancy but 2 are not high
2) P attributions may appear to use co variation prince.
processing maybe different:
3) Requires multiple observations to yield 3 dimensions.
have information when making attributes.