Adoption Essay, Research Paper
Adoption should be supported more in the community due to the high amount of orphans. Orphans face many different problems. They face things that not even they know that other children their ages have not faced. Four out of many reasons why orphans should be taken to good households is because they have no one to really care and look out for them like a family. Another problem faced by orphans is that they don?t have any specific morals set or a faith for them. The third reason why orphans should be supported is because they don?thave anything to believe in like a religious tradition that most people have some kind of faith in, some more than others. Finally, another main point is that orphans? goals differ from the average kid their age. The orphans in our communities need all these things that they do not receive in their lives.
One out of the many things missing in an orphan?s live is a family. ?A family is composed of a mother, father and their children? ( McCurdy 5). Orphans do not have a mother or/and father figure in their lives to help guide them. They feel like there is something wrong with them. ?Being adopted can be very embarrassing at times? (Knopf 5). They have many different questions and thoughts running around in their minds. Some questions that orphans would like to have answers to be: ? Do I have any brothers or sisters I don?t know about?? ?Do my birthparents think about me on my birthday?? ?Where did my original parents come from?? Are my parents happy they adopted me?? ?Why couldn?t they keep me?? (Knopf 1). Not having a family results in the orphans
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having many questions that are needed for them to know. Knowing the answers to their questions they will not carry a heavy burden over their heads. Orphans have a low self-esteem that needs to be built up for them to be able to have a normal life. ?It really makes me upset when people say to me,?Oh, you?re adopted just like him-you two should stick together!? (Stifferman 42). One example of an orphan after being adopted was being explained what they were to the mother, ?When I was three, my sister, Rebecca, was born, and that?s when I realized where babies came from. My mom explained that being adopted meant I grew in somebody else?s tummy, so it was at this time that I started asking any woman who came into the house if I had grown inside their tummy. I must have made a complete fool out of myself? (McCurdy 10). An orphan needs a family to know that there are people in the world that care and love them no matter what. For example the kind of people that will be there for them when they need someone to talk to or just someone to spend time with. A child may not have the opportunity to be with their birthparents but at least a foster parent who cares may be able to take real parent?s place. Facts prove that there is stability in having orphans put into foster care. ?By the late 1980?s, with some 250,000 U.S. children in foster homes, agencies state officials were striving to rehabilitate natural families and provide stability in the foster care system? (Grolier 98). This would help the birthparents, foster parents, and the child to cope. Birthparents will know that their child will be well taken care of. A family will help a child to see the right in life. They will have role models in their childhood life. The child will see and know what their parents have done for them. A family shows a child how to love and care for others just like the love and care that they need and the love and care
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that was given to them by their foster families. ?In modern societies the primary purpose of adoption is to enhance child welfare by allowing childless people, or couples with smaller families than they would like, to raise children who need parents? (Wagnalls 141).
Another important part in life that people have is morals that people follow under many conditions. Morals are having the capability of knowing wrong from right, otherwise known as common sense. Morals are set for children at a young age by their parents. Orphans don?t have those morals set for them. They have no one for them to be afraid of hurting when they do something wrong. The ?goals? and ?morals? set in the orphanage are not the same that would be set by a parent at home. Morals help a child build up their self-esteem and let them look forward to a successful future. Due to no morals it leads them to the wrong road in life. Many children and teen orphans will either pick alcohol and or drugs. They have no family to go and see. There are no family activities taken place to keep them occupied which will lead them to hanging out in the streets, which will result them to hanging out with the wrong crowd and start stealing, breaking, and entering etc. resulting morals are very important in ones life. Morals guide people and protect them from negative things. Thinking that they are not wanted leads them to negative things to think about like ?How does my real mother feel on my birthday?? ?Does she think of me or does she just pretend that I was never born and it?s any other day?? ?I hope she does think about me and that it might be a hard time for her.? ?If we should ever meet eac0h other, there?s one question I?d like to ask her. How does
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she feel on my birthday??(Knopf 8). ?In the past most babies put up for adoption were the children of unwed mothers (Grolier 98).
Another very important part of one?s life is the faith and religion they have been brought up to believe. Orphans don?t have a religious value. They most likely are not sure of their ethnic background. They are not sure who they really are. They don?t have a clue of their true identity. Many questions are running around in these children?s minds that should be answered. Orphans are very confused in life. A person?s whole life has something to do with religious values somewhat. Everything a person does is based on a religious aspect or point of view. There are different ways of dealing with problems; religion is one way to find an answer. Religion shows a person what may be allowed to do and what is forbidden. All of these things are missing from an orphan?s life. They don?t have anyone to show them religion. Each family looks at religion differently. Religion is passed down one family to another through traditions followed by the family from many years? back. People believe in religion mainly because their ancestors did and the ethical thing is for them to do so the same. One orphan said, ?I was adopted when I was about three days old. My birthmother was sixteen, and I don?t know how old the guy was. My parents brought me home directly from the hospital. The only information I have about my background is that my birthmother was Catholic and wanted me placed with a Catholic family? (Knopf 19). The family wanted to have their child brought up in a Catholic environment the way they were brought up with same values and traditions. To many people religion is a very large part in a person?s life.
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Orphans believe that if there was a God then why is life like this. Why is their life without a family to care for them and love them? Orphans have lost faith. They do not have the same faith and goals a normal child would have whose has a family to care for them. It?s debated by the orphanage where each child should be or not be placed in one?s home. ?The risks of independent placement are indeed formidable, children may be purchased by adoptive parents who have more wealth than they have ability to give a child good and loving care.? (Wagnalls 142). ?Children may be adopted by stepparents or close relatives, or they may be adopted by nonrelatives, people who are strangers to the biological parents. Adoptions by relatives are not usually though to pose serious risks to children or to the adoptions, however are regarded as involving potentially more serious problems? (Sifferman 21).
An orphan faces a different lifestyle than the average child. They don?t have the same opportunities given to them. Orphans have lesser chances in experiencing new things and places. They don?t have the parental supervisor that is necessary. They don?t have the necessary support given by parents, which makes a child wanting to do better and accomplishing his or her goals to fulfill a satisfaction for itself as seeing their parents proud of them. Orphans don?t have an opportunity as the wanting to go to higher schools and advance their education because of the lack of self-esteem within. They don?t have the opportunities to travel and learn and experience things they have never seen before. Their goals are to be adopted by a loving family who will care for them. People that will think and treat the orphans like their own. An average child?s goals is to go to college
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become successful and eventually get married and have their own children, to set a forth a life for their children which they have seen and done by their own parents.
Loving parents that have the ability and want to decrease and help the amount of children without any parents should adopt orphans. Children that have no families, no morals, no religious values and goals different from an average kid all have to do with an orphans lifestyle. I think if more families adopted the children with low self-esteem they will see that there are people who care ands that they can make a better life for themselves. The children then will see after being adopted that there is hope for them in this world.