Every year the world experiences significant natural disasters. Earthquakes, hurricanes, and epidemics create hundreds of orphans. Ethnic cleansing, war, and famine create even more. These children, plus the ones orphaned by people not able or willing to raise a child, are in institutions all over the world. Adopting is a big decision, and international adoption is an even bigger one. There are many advantages and disadvantages to international adoption, so the decision to adopt international is up to the adopter. In any type of adoption much research is needed to decide which way is best for the adopter. Whatever way is chosen, the adoptive parents will have a child that they will have to love and care for as if the child was their?s biologically.
Adamec, Christine. The Complete Idiots Guide to Adoption. New York:
Macmillian Pub, 1997
?Adoptees Win Court Case? New York Times 30 Dec 1999 A:16:4
Brenner, Elsa. ?Where Divergent Cultures Meet.? New York Times 12 Dec. 1999:
Carney, Susan. Personal Interview. 24 Mar. 2000.
Erichesn, Heino R., and Jean Nelson-Erichesn. How to Adopt Internationally.
Texas: Mesa House Publishing, 2000
Gilman, Lois. The Adoption Resource Book. New York: Harper Trade, 1998
Goodman, Walter. ?An Adoption Dream turns Night-marish? New York Times 10
Feb 2000: E:8:4
Lang, Annie Adams. ?Identity: When Parents Adopt a Child and a Whole Other
Culture.? New York Times 8 Mar 2000: H:9:1
Lenhart, Jennifer. ?Korean Attitudes Color Adoptions: U.S. Parents struggle for
Acceptance for Their children.? Washington Post 6 Feb. 2000: C.1
McKenna, M A J. ?International Adopters Show High Level CDC and Chinese
kids Most likely Exposed.? Atlanta Constitution 11 Feb 2000 E:1
Pulumbo, Judy. Personal Interview 18 Mar. 2000
Smith, Lynn. ?Family Album/A weekly profile of a family- it?s history?? Los
Angeles Times 28 Nov. 1999: 1
Thompson, Ginger. ?In Mexico, Children, and Promises, Unkept.? New York
Times 2 June 1999: A:1:3
Wetzler, Cynthian Margriel. ?Helping the Adoption of Russian Children.? New
York Times 22 Aug 1999: E:8:4