Abortion Vs. Adoption Essay, Research Paper
Abortion vs. Adoption
There has long existed a standing debate about whether women should have an
abortion or put their children up for adoption. The people who argue against abortions
say that the procedure represents the intentional murder of an unborn child. In their eyes,
you take away the rights of that person by eliminating them before they even have a
chance at life. The other side states that some men and women will not make good
parents. They feel that if the mother and father of the child think that they will harm the
child in some way because they cannot take care of it or if they feel that the mother cannot
survive childbirth, then those parents have the authority to say that they don’t want to
have the child. In short, they say that they have the authority to decide what happens to
the child whether it has reached birth or not. These people feel that abortions are right,
because it provides an easy way out of parenthood and the attached responsibility.
Personally, I view abortions as being completely unnecessary and furthermore,
inhumane. I think that every child should have a chance at life, no matter how short it may
turn out. Some people say that there will always be cases where a child doesn’t have a
chance because some cruel twist of fate prevents them from surviving until birth. Well,
being aware of that, I don’t think that people should play God and make the conscious
decision to kill a baby. A person should become responsible, mature, and emotionally
stable before they even consider putting themselves in a position where parenthood could
potentially become an issue. When a person becomes a parent, whether a mother or
father, that begins at the moment of conception. I believe at that moment, a person
becomes responsible for the well being of the child or children as such. That means taking
care of the child with every action that you make. It certainly does not include deciding
that abortion provides the easy way out of a difficult situation.
Our criminal justice system puts people away in jail for life if we kill another
human being. That being the case, how can anyone justify killing a completely defenseless
child, which defines abortion perfectly. Every person in the world deserves a chance at
life, liberty, and happiness, to quote the constitution. So, why don’t our children deserve
the same thing?
The majority of the argument over abortion comes into play with the question of
when life begins. Pro-life people suggest that life begins at the moment of conception,
when the fetus begins its development in the womb of its mother. Pro-choice people
choose to believe that life doesn’t actually begin until the exact moment of birth, thereby
giving parents the opportunity to kill their unwanted children.
Many couples all over the world would dearly love to adopt a baby, because they
are unable to conceive a child themselves for whatever reason. Infertility and sterility
prevent some people who would love to become loving parents from ever knowing that
joy. One particular friend of mine that might not exist right now if a woman had chosen to
have an abortion. I realize that if she had done that, then I would have never have known
about him, and it wouldn’t represent a crucial point. However, since I do know him, I
must say that I am glad his mother chose to go through with childbirth.
Before I close the argument, let me leave you with something that a dear friend of
mine once told me. Answer this question: If you knew a pregnant woman who had eight
children already, three of whom were deaf, two of whom were blind, one mentally
retarded, and the woman herself had Syphilis, would you try to convince her to have an
abortion? Please think carefully and make your decision before reading on. If you said
no, then you may consider yourself a humane person. However, if you said yes, then you
just prevented the famous composer, Beethoven, from having a chance at life