Gitlin, Todd. The Whole World is Watching: Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the
New Left. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. Shows how the media helped
shape the counterculture, and how they were viewed
Gitlin, Todd. The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage. New York: Bantam Books, 1987. This
book provides vast information on the sixties, Gitlin focuses on all of the factions
throughout the decade. His views seem unbiased, and he provides a number of footnotes
and sources.
Harrison, Benjamin T. ?Roots of the Anti-Vietnam War Movement,? Studies in Conflict and
Terrorism (April-June 1993): 99-110.
Hayden, Tom. Trial. New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1970.
Herman, Ellen. ?Being and Doing: Humanistic Psychology and the Spirit of the 1960.? In Barbra
L. Tischler, ed., Sights on the Sixties New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press,
Hoffman, Abbie. Revolution for the Hell of It. New York: Dial Press, 1968.
——————— Steal This Book. Worcester, Mass: Jack Hoffman Presents, n.d.
———————. ?Abbie Hoffman on the Chicago 7.? Woodstock 69 Program Guide.
A printing of Hoffman on riots/conspiracy to riot taken from the Woodstock Program.
——————— ?Testimony of Abbie Hoffman in Chicago Seven Trial? This allows the
reader to better understand the riots at the 68′ Convention.
Hopkins, Jerry. No One Here Gets Out Alive. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1997. Jerry
Hopkins provides a look into the life of Jim Morrison, in this look he demonstrates the
power that music holds over the people.
Horowitz, David. Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey. New York: Free Press, 1997.
Horowitz, David. ?Scenes From the 60’s: One Radical?s Story,? The American Enterprise (May-
June 1997): 28-37. In this article, Horowitz discusses some of the more controversial
events of the sixties, he discusses the Chicago riots, the Black Panthers, and more. This
article provides a look into the radical movement not normally seen. Must be read with
caution, Horowitz may be biased.
Kimball, ?The Project of Rejuvenilization,? New Criterion (May 1998): 4-12.
Kuwahara, Yasue. ?Apocalypse Now!: Jim Morrison?s Vision of America,? Popular Music and
Society (Summer 1992): 55-67.
Maratta, Pete. Counter Culture. New York: Topper Books, 1989.
McClellan, Grant S. American Youth in a Changing Culture. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1972.
Morrison, Jim. ?Five to One.? Waiting for the Sun LP. Released July, 1968.
Morrison, Jim. ?Peace Frog.? Morrison Hotel LP. Released 1970.
Morrison, Jim. ?Five to One.? Without a Safety Net-The Doors Box Set, Track #1. Recorded
1969, Released 1998.
Pratt, Ray. Rhythm and Resistance: Explorations in the Political Uses of Popular Music. New
York: Praeger, 1990.
Prochnicky, Jerry and Riordan, James. Break on Through: The Life and Death of Jim Morrison.
New York: Quill, 1991.
Roszak, Theodor. The Making of a Counterculture: Reflections of the Technocratic Society and
its Youthful Opposition. New York: Double Day, 1969. Roszak provide a definitive look
at the counterculture and that it came to be. Doesn?t include black parties as part of the
counterculture though, keep that in mind.
Rubin, Jerry. Do It; Scenarios of the Revolution. New York: Schocken Books, 1970.
Sargent, Lyman T. New Left Thought: An Introduction. Homewood, Illinois: Dorsey Press, 1972.
Stern, Jane and Stern Michael. Sixties People. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990. Jane and
Michael Stern give brief looks into the movements of the sixties. They cover everything
from pop culture to counterculture and try explain what exactly was happening in
America at the time.
Stoper, Emily. The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee: The Growth of Radicalism in
the Civil Rights Organization. Brooklyn, New York: Carlson, 1989.
Szatmary, David P. Rockin? in Time: A Social History of Rock and Roll. Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1991
Thompson, Hunter S. Hells Angels: A strange and Terrible Saga. New York, New York:
Random House, 1966.
Tillinghast, Richard. ?The Grateful Dead: Questions of Survival,? Michigan Quarterly Review
(Fall 1991): 686-700.
Voirst, Milton. Fire in the Streets: America in the 1960’s. New York, New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1980.