For example, employees want the organization to provide them with satisfying jobs. Environmentalists want the organization to preserve nature .Communities want clean air, less traffic, and donations to community projects. Organizations probably wouldn t choose these goals if they existed alone in their environment. ..Life for both people and organizations, therefore, is a constant process of negotiation and compromise. And communication is one of the most effective means we have to negotiate and compromise.
? Public Relations Strategies and Tactics Dennis L. Wilcox, Philip H. Ault, Warren K. Agee, 1995 HarperCollins College Publishers
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A business slogan says, Think globally, act locally. An important part of public affairs consists of community relations, particularly in those towns and cities where the company maintains an office, retail outlets, or a manufacturing facility.
Because a corporation relies heavily on local governments for construction permits, changes in zoning laws, and even tax concessions, a good working relationship with city hall and various community groups is important. A community relations program also helps in the recruitment of employees and gives the company an influential voice in community affairs.
? Public Relations The Profession and the Practice Otis Baskin, Craig Aronoff, Dan Lattimore, 1997 Times Mirror Higher Education Group, Inc.