Family Values Essay, Research Paper
When raising a child one is
taught values by their families
that they feel are important for
their child to have. I believe
that family values consist of
certain actions and qualities
that are important to a family
to uphold. Values that are
important in my family are
honesty, trust and to have
respect for others. Each of
these values is equally
important in my family. They
played a big role into making me
the person I am now.
Growing up in my family taught
me that honesty is the best
policy. When I would get into
trouble as a child I would often
try to lie to my mom thinking
that would save me from being
punished. I soon learned that
lying would only get me into
more trouble than I was already.
Honesty has given me the
reputation of being a good
friend. One can always rely on
me to let them know what they
are doing or how something looks
on them. In return for my
honesty I have received respect
from my family and friends.
Respect is an important value to
be taught when growing up.
Through the years I have learned
that in order to learn anything
you must have respect for
others. I have learned many
valuable lessons from listening
to my grandmother. She has told
me many of her experiences,
which has made me a better
person. Having respect for other
people has allowed me to be more
open-minded and see qualities in
people that most would not. I
have always listened to what my
friends and family has to say.
That doesn?t always mean that I
agree with them, but it is their
opinion, so I respect it. In
return I receive respect from
them. As people begin to respect
me more their trust in me also
Trust is a value that was very
hard for me to learn. I was
always afraid that someone was
going to hurt me one way or
another. My mother was always
telling me that I should learn
to trust others so that they
could help me from time to time,
but I never could do it.
Eventually I finally learned to
trust others a few years ago. I
have realized that other people
can do many things for you if
you just trust in them. This
helps me in the relationships I
have with my friends. Trust
doesn?t happen overnight, it
takes time. I have learned that
trusting certain people is worth
the risk, and helps the
relationships I have with them.
All values that families instill
in their children are important.
They are the deciding factors
that help a person grow. Values
also determine how one treats
others and how they will be
treated in return. Learning
honesty, respect, and to have
trust in others has made me a
better person. I feel that I am
growing to be someone that can
be relied on for almost
anything. These values will
benefit me for many years to