Kathimerini 9 1,000,000 9,000,000
Eleftherotypia 11 850,000 9,350,000
Total 241,850,000
3.5 Advertising Development and Testing
At this stage, the company had to decide how to develop the advertisement and test that the content, message and impact are as expected. It is clear that for a new product as 4U we had to use an institutional advertisement with information on this new product (Pioneering advertising). The aim was to stimulate enough interest to encourage further investigation, trial and possibly purchase and build reputation and image for the product.
Print Presentation: The team involved in the design and marketing of 4U had to prepare a persuasive message in terms of words simultaneously with an image. We found that a person like Cindy Crawford who is easily recognized and can affect a large part of consumers would be the suitable image. The slogan now you know the secret of her beauty creates positive emotions and makes the product attractive even just for a trial. As a result, the team came to that Cindy was the perfect celebrity for the advertisements (Figure 2).
Broadcast Presentation: Marketers agree that radio always provide an important mean of broadcast communication. According to this theory and with the support of an advertising company (Greta Advertising Ltd.), the team developed a radio commercial for the advertising campaign of 4U . Table 3.2 shows the process that has been used to produce the commercial.
Table 3.2
Radio Commercial Process
Script Storyboard
Main action Written description Audio effects
Figure 2
The main action is with Cindy Crawford. She describes her career in modeling. The clothes she has wore, the people she has met, the photo sessions she has made and after all these years she selected 4U as the perfect jeans to wear every day. Finaly, music from fashion shows will suit as Cindy is part raying her career and promoting 4U .
Testing: The next step after creating the advertisement was to pre-test it with a sample of members of the target audience. ICAP, a marketing research organization, made a research for us in a sample of too people between 15-39 and found out that the advertisement was very interesting and likeable. It had, also, stimulated the audience to try 4U and made them feel that if Cindy wears Glamor jeans they could wear, too.
3.6 Implementation and scheduling.
In the implementation phase, Glamor had a need for professional experts to develop and deliver the advertising campaign. The team, as a representative of Marketing Department, co-operated with photographers, graphic designers and copy writers to reach its goals. The whole process of scheduling the campaign was the most difficult and costly stage of the project. The frequency and intensity of this effort guided all production decisions. The team knew that there were many different scheduling patterns that has to be taken into account.
Marketing conditions: The team decided that the speed of the impact should be quick because the competitors were established in the jeans market and it would be costly for Glamor to keep up this impact.
Customer turnover: The turnover of Greek customers is high enough, so there was a need to advertise more frequently to keep the message available for new consumers.
Purchase frequency and volume: After research, the team found that demand for jeans in Greece is higher in Winter and Spring and the scheduling will provide a high frequency advertising in these two seasons
Message : The campaign of 4U needs more repetition than jeans of our established competitors because of the newness of our message. Research has shown also, that a simple message like Glamor s message, becomes successful without being complex or becoming familiar with audience, so they are less likely to notice or remember it.
Media: At this phase, as 4U is a new product, it has been selected a more intensive advertising in both print and broadcast media.
3.7 Evaluation
The evaluation perhaps was the most important stage of Glamor s campaign process. At this part of the process, the team had to find out if the campaign would gain attention, create interest and engender desire for the product. Although it was difficult to assess the final result, the team used methods like Attitude and Enquiry tests to investigate the level of the campaign s success.
The advertisement was shown to another sample audience and questions were asked to measure the respondent s attitude to the product and what interest was been generated. All the above gave us a positive feedback but as Brassington and Pettitt ( 2000) said advertising is only one of many factors contributing to sales . So, after the advertising campaign, there will be a research and final evaluation of the whole process which will give us useful information for the future sales of Glamor 4U .
The majority of jeans companies is a part of clothing industry and none of them is manufacturing or importing only jeans. They are distinguished in large organized companies that are using updated methods of management and marketing, and in small handicrafts that are having limited opportunities of developing the updated technology and improving their productivity. Furthermore, there is a large number of import businesses. These are again distinguished in large organized companies that are mainly trading with high class products and are expanding continuously in order to meet the demands of an international competitive environment, and in medium sized enterprises that are having limited opportunities of expanding. After 1991, the local production of well-known brands of jeans that had a large share in the Greek market – like LEVI S , DIESEL etc.- stopped, so these jeans started imported. As a result, the proportion between manufactured and imported jeans changed towards the second ones.
Proceeding in the market segmentation, the team used the results of ICAP research in order to follow the survey, analysis and profiling stages. The bases used for the segmentation were the consumer s characteristics and responses. The evaluation of the market segments had been made according to the objectives and resources that the company has thus the target groups were aged between 15 and 39 years, of both gender and of average income. The price of Glamor 4U will be about 20% lower than the price of LEVI S in order to attract all those people who can not afford to buy LEVI S but they seek the same quality. With this positioning the group felt that Glamor Jeans S.A. will build a strong image in consumers mind and will be able to gain a significant part of the market share.
The process of advertising a product presupposes the delivery of a message to the consumer. Selecting some advertising media through which the consumer has the opportunity to be informed for the specific product can occur this. These media will be radio stations, magazines/ newspapers, hoardings and outdoor media. The team involved in the design and marketing of 4U had to prepare a persuasive message in terms of words simultaneously with an image. We found that a person like Cindy Crawford who is easily recognized and can affect a large part of consumers would be the suitable image. The slogan now you know the secret of her beauty creates positive emotions and makes the product attractive even just for a trial. As a result, the team came to that Cindy was the perfect celebrity for the advertisements.
+ Bedward, D. (1999) Quantitative Methods. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
+ Bell, J. (1997) Doing your Research Project (2nd Edition). Buckingham: Open University Press.
+ Brassington, Fr. and Pettitt, St. (2000) Principles of Marketing (2nd Edition). Essex: Prentice Hall.
+ Ghauri, P., Gronhang, K. and Kristianslund, I. (1995) Research Methods in Business Studies. Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall.
+ Kotler, P. (1997) Marketing Management (9th Edition). N. Jersey: Prentice Hall.
+ Morris, Cl. (2000) Quantitative Approaches in Business Studies (5th Edition). Essex: Prentice Hall.
Other Sources
+ ICAP Marketing Research Company (March 2000). Creece