Another Romeo And Juliet Essay, Research Paper
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Author: William
Shakespeare Genre: Play Orig. Pub. Date: 1596 . Setting:
Verona, Italy. Mantua, Italy. Theme: Always tell the truth.
Plot Summary: The play starts off when the Montagues and
the Capulets are fighting. The Prince of Verona stops the
quarrel and tells the two families that he is fed up with the
feud. He says it has gone on too long and that this is the last
of it. He says that the next person who fights will die. Later
on that day, the Capulets have a costume party. Romeo
goes to the party looking for Rosaline but instead finds Juliet
and falls in love with her. Tybalt notices that Romeo is not a
Capulet and wants to fight him, but Lady Capulet stops him
so Tybalt tells Romeo that he will regret coming to the party.
Romeo and Juliet get married secretly and no one knows but
the Nurse. Tybalt sees Romeo and tries to fight him, but
Mercutio fights instead. Romeo inadvertently kills Mercutio
by getting in the way. Romeo then kills Tybalt. Juliet finds
out that Tybalt is deceased and begins weeping hysterically.
Even though she knows Tybalt is dead, she is still glad that
Romeo is alive. The Nurse then announces that Romeo has
been banished and Juliet begins weeping again. Capulet
arranges Paris to marry Juliet on Thursday, but Friar has a
plan to keep this from happening since Juliet is already
married to Romeo. Friar gives Juliet a potion to drink the
night before the wedding. The potion makes Juliet look dead
but she really will be alive. Friar?s plan is to fool everybody
into thinking that she is dead, except that he will write to
Romeo telling him the plan, and they will bury her and when
the potion wears off. She will get out of the tomb and run
away to Romeo and no one will ever know. The plan works
great except that Romeo doesn?t get the letter about the plan
and he thinks that Juliet is dead. He is so in love with her that
he goes to Juliet?s tomb and kills himself. The potion wears
off and Juliet comes out of her sleep and sees Romeo dead
and then kills herself. Characters: Romeo-Impulsive, blind
(love-stricken), romantic, caring. Juliet-Loyal and devoted
to Romeo, defiant towards parents. Prince-Strict, mean.
Montague-Strict, smart. Lady Montague-Nice, strict, peace
maker. Rosaline-Romeo loved her, became a nun.
Capulet-Strict, wise. Lady Capulet-Nice, strict, stuck-up.
Friar Lawrence-Wise, old, bright. Paris-Proud, lonely, nice.
Nurse-Helpful, loving, caring, not educated well.
Mercutio-Loyal, willful, strong. Tybalt-Mean, strong, a
fighter. Benvolio-Peace maker, friendly. Symbols or
Allusions: Phoebus-sun god, Dian?s wit-the mind of Diana,
goddess of chastity, Echo-in classical mythology the nymph
Echo, unable to win the love of Narcissus, wasted away in a
cave until nothing was left of her but her voice. Distinguishing
Characteristics: Tragic, romantic, exciting. Personal
Response: I thought this plat was very confusing at first, but
after about 2 acts I started ?catching some lines? and
learning how to interpret Shakespeare. I thought that this
play was extremely downhearted yet exciting.