It takes about two months of CBT to show the reduction of OCD symptoms when on a weekly basis. But, intensive CBT that involves two to three hours a day of therapist assisted E/RP daily for three weeks is the fastest treatment available, right now, for OCD. Those who have gone through CBT say there has been a 50% to 80% reduction in OCD symptoms after about twelve to twenty sessions. Oh, and when somebody also takes medication while going through CBT it may help prevent any relapse when the medication is stopped.
Most patients do well with gradual weekly CBT, in which they practice in the office with the therapist once a week and then do daily E/RP homework. Homework is necessary because the situations or objects that trigger OCD are unique to the individual’s environment and often cannot be reproduced in the therapist’s office. In intensive CBT, the therapist may come to the patient’s home or workplace to conduct E/RP sessions. On occasion, the therapist may also do this in gradual CBT. In some very rare cases, when OCD is particularly severe, CBT is best conducted in a hospital setting. (2000 OCF)