The Roman Colosseum Essay, Research Paper
The Roman Colosseum
The Roman Colosseum, now called the Flavian Ampitheater, was built between the years 72 AD-80 AD.
When the Colosseum was finished in 80 AD there was a huge celebration. There were many games and sports played that sacrificed many wild animals and men. The shows were very disgusting. They would have animal hunts in which the gladiators would try and kill the animals. Animals would be set to fight against each other. The stage manager would make hills, forests, and even small lakes on the wooden floor. There were enough elevators and trap doors under the stage to release one hundred lions at one time. The man vs. man shows was the bloodiest. There were four schools that trained gladiators who would fight each other. It was very barbaric. In other shows they killed many Christians. In some shows they would flood the Colosseum and have small sea battles.
The Colosseum was built under three Flavian emperors Vespasia, Titus (Vespasia s son), and Dominitan (Titus nephew). (Colosseum)
The Flavian Ampitheater was to hold at least 50,000 people. The seats were ranked in order of social class. For example, the Emperor had the best seats, and the women had the worst seats.
The Colosseum had a removable canvas top. In order to do this, specially trained sailors that were known for their outstanding skills with rigging ships came. The large canvas top had a giant hole in the center to admit light.
There were four main levels in the Ampitheater. There were four levels on half of the Colosseum and on the other half there was only 2 levels. The ground level, containing the columns, was Doric. According to Webster s New World Dictionary Doric, is designating or of a classical style of architecture marked by fluted columns with plain capitals. The second level is Ionic, meaning designating or have a Greek or Roman style of architecture, distinguished by ornamental scrolls on the capitals. The third level, Corinthian, and then fourth level is Corinthian pilaster.
The Ampitheater was covered with sand, so when there was fighting the blood would soak up into the sand. The dead gladiators and animals would be carried out the Libitinarian Gate. This gate was named after Libitinarian, the goddess of funerals.
The Colosseum is 210 yards long, and 170 yards wide and fifty-five yards high. Made with more than 100,000 cubic yards of travertine stone to keep all the stone together the Romans had to use more than 300 tons of metal clamps. The Colosseum was in an elliptical shape.
The arena is eighty-three yards by fifty yards. There were eighty arches used as entrances and exits. Because there were so many entrances the whole arena could be filled in eight minutes. The Colosseum was used until 538AD. The Colosseum went under because the empire failed. The Ampitheater has been partially ruined from earthquakes and a fire. The Colosseum is now used once a year by the Pope on Good Friday that honors all the hundreds of people that died with in its walls.