Various movements were formed with the aim of turning Muslims away from Jihad and teaching them to forget Jihad. This mission was quite difficult. Jihad had entered into the blood and veins of the Muslims. Muslim mother’s used to cradle their children whilst relating stories of Jihad and Martyrdom. Numerous verses of the Quran consisted of Jihad. The dreadful results of leaving this obligation were also clear from past history. The relationship of being an Ummati (follower) of a brave Prophet had naturally created a disgust for worldly love and cowardice.
This difficult mission against Jihad was made easy by deceiving the Muslims in the name of spirituality, Prophethood and revival. The Kuffar used such doors through which whosoever entered would be accepted and greeted with respect.
The Kuffar manipulated Islamic terminologies to mislead the Muslims and introduced false Prophets. Although the false claims of Prophethood were rejected, the Kuffar succeeded in spreading the poison through this method.
These people who wished to obliterate Iman managed to destroy the zeal for Jihad by using the title of Tajdeed (Revival). Some groups tried to eradicate Jihad from the lives of Muslims, by using various terminologies of the Quran. Thereby, changing the meaning of the Quran.
People stood up with the claim of bringing the Sunnah of Rasulullah (saw) into their lives, they snatched the sword away which used to be used against the Kuffar and gave them a rod with which they could strike the heads of Muslims. They took them out of the field of Jihad and placed them in the field of debates, their purpose being to degrade other Muslims. Looters came into existence, who by using the title of spirituality and rectification of the soul, changed the entire religion into mere customs.
Thousands of depressed Muslims were converted into worshippers of graves and indulged in singing Kawwalis (non-Islamic songs with drums), convincing themselves that this would bring peace of mind. Thus their dignity was completely destroyed.
In other words, the mission to make the Muslim men wear bangles and necklaces came into effect. The blessings of the British were showered upon such people. These people misled the general public into thinking that this was the help of Allah (sw). They made them go astray by saying, if we were not on the Haq then how could this help of Allah (sw) be with us?
Every effort was made to take the zeal of Jihad and Martyrdom out of the hearts and minds of the Muslims to the extent that those people who rejected Mirza Qadiani and considered it a Religious Obligation to oppose him, they were also distanced from Jihad, just as much as those who followed the Kufr teachings of Qadiani.
Not only was Jihad damaged through this effort but all those things which were protected by Jihad also became weak. The inheritors of this Religion, the Ulamah, were classed as inferior. They were classed as laborers who survived on pieces of bread given by the people. We seek refuge from Allah (sw)! the sanctity of the Mosques was destroyed.
The importance of an obligation such as Salah was diminished to the extent that even in the Muslim Countries the people continued with their business even after the call of Azan. The Religion was made a mockery by both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The way of the disbelievers was respected as fashion, and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saw) was known as inferior and observed only by the low class people. What oppression did the Muslims not undergo after leaving Jihad?
In Muslim Countries thousands of lives were sacrificed in upholding an important and Fundamental belief such as the Khatme Nabuwat (Finality of Prophethood) for which the Islamic ruling is clear. Those who declared Prophethood after our Prophet Muhammed (saw) or followed a false Prophet are Kafir. What grief could be greater! The Khatme Nabuwat of Muhammed (saw) was not safe guarded even in Muslim Countries. (Lahawla wala quwata illa billah).
The Kuffar were satisfied at this condition of the Muslims. They were clapping at the level of humiliation they had subjected the Muslims and their Ulamah (Religious Scholars) to. The laws implemented in the Muslim Countries were in accordance with the pleasure of the Kuffar. Their chosen individuals had control over important posts and chairs. The mouths of the Muslims were restrained, whereas the mouths of the Kuffar were wide open.
Soon a change came about, Muslims started to flock towards their true Religion. Towards the Religion which had been completed by our Prophet (saw) in Madinah. Towards the Religion for which Rasullullah’s (saw) blood was spilt, the Religion for which the Sahabah (companions) sacrificed their lives. This change did not occur suddenly, it happened through the movement of Jihad in Afghanistan, which was lead by Ulamah and practicing Muslims.
The blood spilt through this movement broke the stiffness of the Muslims. The Dawah of the Mujahideen who had seen Allah’s (sw) help descending in the battlefield flared the flame of zeal for Jihad in the hearts of Muslims. Such stories of victory in Afghanistan gave hope to those who had lost hope all over the world. In the poem of Allama Iqbal, Shaitan had ordered his followers to take the Mullah out of the midst of the Afghanis in order to destroy the religious zeal they had in their hearts.
Through the blessings of this movement, the Mulla reached the throne of Afghanistan, even though the Satanic Superpower of the world tried it’s utmost to take him out from the midst of the Afghanis. Muslims and non-Muslims suddenly opened their eyes. Muslims started to return to their original Religion.
It was only this minor change which turned the minds of millions of Muslims towards reviving the order of Jihad. They made a firm intention of glorifying their Religion by taking up weapons in their hands and following in the footsteps of Muhammed (saw). They made preparations in accordance with the order of Allah (sw):-
“Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power.”
Holy Quran (Surah Anfaal : Verse 60.)
The cry of Jihad was called out in every direction and the stories of Martyrs began to fragrance the world.
In reality this was no change, this was the Muslims returning to their original Religion but the world saw this as a major change and the Kuffar powers were fearful and began to oppose.
There was no harm in their opposition, the actual fact was made clear, that the true Religion was that which consisted of Jihad and the ideology of strength; the Kuffar had always opposed the true Religion. The Quran has related regarding the Sahabah, that the Kuffar used to look at them with anger.
It is surely clear from this that the Mujahideen are upon Haq. This unprecedented reaction of the Kuffar against this small group of Muslims has proved that these are the true Muslims. This is the group who have been given glad tidings in the following Hadeeth: “A group of Muslims will always remain who will fight for the cause of Haq and overpower their enemy.” (Sahih Muslim)
It is evident from this Hadeeth that the group which will be upon Haq in the last era, one of it’s qualities will be fighting in the path of Allah (sw). This topic is also supported from other numerous Ahadeeth.
The wailing of the Kuffar together with their evil activities against those who possess the ideology of Islamic strength, clearly indicates that the only threat to them are these Muslims. The Kuffar (disbelievers) see their death in the existence of such Muslims.
Another important point is that Islam has ordered the Muslims to gain strength to the extent that the disbelievers are terrorized. The Quranic words are as follows:-
“Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies.”
Holy Quran (Surah Anfaal : Verse 60).
The word terror has been mentioned which is used today as a swear against Muslims. Therefore, those Muslims who have gained Islamic strength are branded as terrorists. What need is there for the Muslims to be ashamed of this swear? Allah (sw) has ordered the Muslims to terrorize their enemies, who are also the enemies of Allah (sw). Whosoever will fulfill this obligation will be classed as a terrorist. So to be a terrorist is a source of blessing and not shame. To cast terror upon the enemies of Allah (sw) is an act of worship and not an act of crime. Muslims should not be hesitant in fulfilling this obligation.
This is because the enemies of Allah (sw) create mischief on the earth. They implement such oppressive systems to fulfill their own desires, which make the public victims of various difficulties. These enemies of Allah (sw) are a problem for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. When they have the open opportunity to do things, they commit such acts for which a person bows his head down in shame.
In the last century, the oppression which the white Kuffar have committed in the continent of Africa makes one shudder. Millions of Africans were chained and exiled to different areas. They were then plunged into slavery. Millions were massacred in the open. The story of this oppression is very long for which reason it cannot be written in detail at this moment. If these tyrant flesh-eaters are terrorized or killed, leaving the rest of humanity to live in peace, then this can not be an evil act. In fact it would be a favour towards humanity.
This is what has been ordained by Allah (sw) that the Muslims should always be prepared to stop these Kuffar from committing oppression and creating evil plots. The preparation should be such which creates terror in their (Kuffar’s) hearts.
In conclusion, Muslims are not being branded as Fundamentalists because of a major change, they are being branded because of returning back to the roots of their Religion and this title is a blessing for the Muslims.
The truthful group will be those who will fight in the path of Allah (sw) and will also make preparations according to the order of Allah (sw), so that they may terrorize the Kuffar when they (the Kuffar) see the preparation taking place. Insha Allah.