Hamlet And Laertes Essay, Research Paper
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a timeless work of
literary art that is still being told and re-written to
this date. The complexity of Hamlet allows it to be
used as the basis for many current classes and
discussions. A critic explains the complexity in the
statement: Hamlet is the most difficult and complex
characters to be created by Shakespeare (Mackenzie).
Little is known about Shakespeare s life, other than he
was a great playwright. He wrote and directed many
plays in his lifetime. This was his sole form of income.
Shakespeare s writing style is described in this quote
from a bibliography: Shakespeare wrote plays and
dialogues in such a manner as to entertain both the
wealthy and the peasants (Dutton 14). Shakespeare led
and eventful but short life. The conditions of 1601,
the year Hamlet was written, are described in this quote
on a criticism about Hamlet: Hamlet was written the
same year as Shakespeare s father death, and the
imprisonment of his generous patron and friend, Lord
Southampton. From this year onward, the tone of
Shakespeare s plays became sober, sad and
bitter (Chambers 64).
In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet and Laertes
share several characteristics which make them similar.
They both seem to be on a mission seeking revenge on
their fathers killers and have a deep, but individual
love for Ophelia. Hamlet and Laertes show little
patience and seem to react before properly thinking out
their reactions when distraught or infuriated. In Act
3, when Hamlet thinks that the person spying on there
conversation is Cladius, Hamlet becomes very angered and
tried to kill Cladius, but not thinking, he strikes
Polonius instead. Laertes strong anger is evident when
he finds out that his father has been killed. He
immediately assumes the person who killed his father was
Claudius. Laertes anger leads him to start to plan
Polonius s death, which is described in this quote after
he hears the terrible news: To hell, allegiance! vows,
to the blackest devil! Conscience and grace, to the
profoundest pit! I dare damnation: to this point I
stand, that both worlds I give to negligence, let come
what comes, only I ll be revenged most thoroughly for my
father(IV.v.128-134). Hamlet s when killing Polonius,
and Laertes when he hears the news of this father s
death, are both examples of the men s fury and
unpredictable rage.
Laertes and Hamlet are similar in the way that they
love, and express there love for Ophelia. Although
Laertes takes on a brotherly role, he gives her advice,
almost warning her of Hamlet. When Laertes is leaving
for France, he expresses concern for her and her
relationship with Hamlet in this quote about Hamlet s
love: Fear it, Ophelia, fear it, my dear sister, and
keep you in the rear of your affection, out of the shot
and danger of desire (I.iii.34-36). Ophelia promises to
obey and not fall for Hamlet. After Laertes departure,
Hamlet s deep love for Ophelia resulted in deep
depression when she rejects him. Even though he is
still in love with her, he gets angry and starts to
despise her for rejecting him. When Laertes hears about
the death of his sister, he is struck with sadness.
Both men are so engraged with anger and emotion that
they end up fighting at her grave. Her death brought
out the worst in both of them. Hamlet suffered greatly
and showed his love for her again at the funeral, when
he again fought with Laertes. Hamlet s love was more of
an obsession, and Laertes was brotherly and protective.
He is on the constant lookout for the well being of his
sister. He lectures her about not marrying Hamlet
before he departs from Francs. This quote may explain
that Hamlet may have been so infatuated with Ophelia
because she has some of the same traits as the queen,
which connects Hamlet to his love for his
mother: Although some writers, following Goethe, see in
Ophelia many traits of resemblance to the Queen, perhaps
just as striking are the traits contrasting with those
of the Queen (Jones). Though both men did not get
along, they shared a common love, and a lot of caring
for Ophelia.
Hamlet and Laertes both hold a great deal of
respect for there families and treat each individual
family members problems with a great deal of compassion,
while keeping there best interest in mind. This quote
points out Hamlet s love for his father, and the
tragedies that he went through: Hamlet was yet young
when his mind received a shock from the death of his
father, the man he most admired, the innate goodness of
his heart, and the glowing warmth of his affections
speak in the reverence to the memory of his
father (Skottowe 6). After the death of there fathers,
Hamlet and Laertes strive to seek revenge against there
enemies. Both of there fathers tried to use spies to
find out more about there sons. Both of the men go to
seek revenge for the death of there fathers, however,
they both use different methods to accomplish there
deeds. Hamlet and Laertes both admire there fathers and
are even willing to kill in the act of revenge.
Hamlet s passive and scheming approach manages to kill
his fathers murderer. Laertes, with his direct
approach, slays his father s killer, Hamlet. They both
accomplish there goal, but paying the ultimate price of
both their lives.
Another similarity between Hamlet and Laertes and
there respect for there families, is that they hold
protective attitudes toward the females in there
families. Laertes gives his sister guidance with her
relationship with Hamlet. Hamlet is able to persuade
Gertrude that he is actually not upset and that she
should follow his guidance. Hamlet tries to guide his
mother to stay away from Cladius when he makes her think
back on her husbands death with sorrow in these lines:
Nay, but to live in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,
stewed in corruption, honeying and making love over the
nasty sty- (III.iv.93-95). The Queen understands his
plea for her to stay away from Cladius and does not want
to hear anymore. Laertes care and affection toward
females is ultimately displayed in his speech to his
sister regarding his urgent message, explaining to
Ophelia why she should not marry Hamlet, while Hamlet s
affection toward females is displayed in his deep
concern for the well being of his mother. Hamlet
disapproves if his mothers actions and is outrages with
her relationship with Cladius.
Hamlet and Leartes hold strong similarities in
there fierce tempers, love for Ophelia, the respect they
hold for there fathers, and the domineering side they
show toward females. Although adversaries, Hamlet and
Laertes share several characteristics which makes them
similar. Hamlet was a loving, caring prince, who was
looked upon for his many positive qualities, and if he
would ve lived, he would ve went on to be the most royal
and faithful King of Denmark. Although Laertes is not a
main character, there are many aspects about him that
make his attitude similar to Hamlet s
Shakespeare wrote many plays with he in still
accredited for, and Hamlet is no exception. His stories
have been passed on through generations due to the
complexity and the great deal of details he puts in each
of his stories This quote sums up Shakespeare s Hamlet:
It was not that Hamlet was Shakespeare s greatest
tragedy, or most perfect work of art, it was that Hamlet
brings home to us at once the sense of the soul s
infinity, and the sense of doom, which not only
circumscribes that infinity, but appears to be it s
offspring (Bradley, A.C.). Hamlet keeps your interest,
and keeps you in suspense throughout the play. The
story of Hamlet has been considered by most, one of
Shakespeare s finest works of art, if not his greatest.
The plot and the story line keep your attention through
the entire play, never lacking a dull moment.
Bradley,A.C. What Actually Happens in the Play. Hamlet
A Norton Critical Edition. Ed Cyrus Hay, New York:
W.W. Norton, 1992, 169-175
Chambers,E.K. Source of Bibliography on Shakespeare. Great
Britian: University Press, Oxford 1970
Dutton,Richard. William Shakespeare. New York: St. Martin s
Hoy,Cyrus. Hamlet A Norton Critical Edition. New York:
W.W.Norton, 1992
Jones,Ernest. Tragedy and the Mind of the Infant. Hamlet
A Norton Critical Edition. Ed Cyrus Hoy, New York:
W.W.Norton, 1992, 200-207
Mackenzie,Henry. Criticism and the Character and the
Tragedy of Hamlet. Hamlet A Norton Critical Edition
Ed Cyrus Hoy, New York: W.W. Norton, 1992,
Skottowe,Augustine. The Life of Shakespeare. London: A&R
Spottiswoode, 1961