Sir Edmund Barton Essay, Research Paper
Sir, Edmund Barton (1849-1920)
Edmund Barton was born to his parents William and Mary Barton on the 18th of January 1849 in Glebe, Sydney, in New South Wales.
Barton attended Sydney Grammar School and he won many scholarships. He studied law at Sydney University and he received first class honors. He got a masters degree by the age of 21. He practiced as a barrister in 1871.
Edmund married a lady called Jean Mason Ross and had 2 daughters and 4 sons.
In 1879 Edmund Barton was voted into Legislative Assembly of New South Wales colonial Government. At the age of 33(3rd of January, 1883) he became speaker of legislative assembly; he was the youngest speaker to ever on the legislative assembly. On the 31st of January 1887 Barton lost his seat. After the loosing of his seat he was voted into the Legislated council from the 2nd of February, 1887 to the 12th of June, 1891, he was also in the Legislated council on the 8th of May 1897 to the 22nd of July 1898.
Edmund Barton was an Attorney General on the 17th of January to the 7th of March 1889, also on the 23rd of October 1891 to the 14th of December 1893. In 1889 he was also the Queens counsel.
In 1889, Sir Henry Parkes made a speech at Tenterfield calling for a convention on federation.
In 1891 Edmund was one of the constitutional committee members for the convention. Barton got the seat for East-Sydney, and re-entered the assembly. Parkes Retired as Premier of New South Wales and Edmund Barton took over. Barton was both the leader and chairmen of the constitutional committee at the 2nd federation convention held in 1897.
Edmund Barton had some set backs along his was, some of these were Parkes criticism towards Edmund and Parkes belief in free trade, where as Barton believed in Tariff protection.
In 1899, Barton led a delegation to Britain to see the bill on federation passed by Westminster Parliament.
Lord Hopetown offered Sir William Lyne, the premier an opportunity to become Prime Minister of Australia, even though most of the others saw Edmund Barton and Alfred Deakin to be better for the job. Lyne Failed to form a body of ministers who attend councils and share responsibilities for policy and administration, so Barton was offered Prime Minister ship. Barton, member of House of Representatives, became the first Prime minister in 1901 at a celebration of federation at Centennial Park. He was 52 years of age. He also became the Minster for External affairs on the same date.
Barton s cabinet met in Melbourne where they had their elections on the 29th of March 1901. They won only 27 seats out of the total of 75 seats. The Labour party (later changed to labor) formed with Barton as their leader.
In March 1901 Barton was elected as the Prime Minister.
In 1902 Women gained the right to vote.
Barton traveled to England in 1902 for a colonial conference, which coincided with the coronation of Edward VII. Barton became a knight Grand Cross of Saint Michael and Saint George.
In Australia people were not happy with Barton s talk and no action. Alfred Deakin was doing most of all his work. Barton was getting sick and he collapsed in his room at the parliament house in August 1903.
Sir Edmund Barton retired as Prime Minster and became a judge of the High Courts for the next 16 years. Alfred Deakin took over as Prime Minister.
Sir Edmund Barton Died on January 7th 1920 of a heart attack in Medlow bath in New South Wales at the age of seventy.
For the first time a nation for continental and a continent for a nation
-Barton campaign slogan
By Nathan Holloway