Gambling Essay, Research Paper
Gambling, to bet money on the outcome of a game, contest, or other event. To take arisk in the hope of gaining an advantage; speculate. Gambling has many advantages as wellas disadvantages. Children will be neglected and crime rates will increase. Nevertheless,aid in cutting the island’s budget deficit and dropping the unemployment rate are just someof the examples that we can benefit from gambling. Should Casino gambling be legalized? That is the question that the people are pondering.???? There are many important reasons for opposing gambling because of its severe socialconsequences which ravage society. Gambling can get addictive and hurt peoplefinancially, emotionally, and yes, even physically. People will gamble away everything theyhave and everything they can get their hands on. When addicted gamblers no longer havemoney, they would do anything and everything they could to get money so they couldcontinue gambling. Selling their cars, betting their houses and in history when gamblersdid not have possessions or properties, they would even bet their wives. Gambling mayalso increase the crime rate, which would be another expense for the government. Thesour truth does not end here. Gamblers would neglect their children, leaving them at homestarving without an adult attending to them.???? In the tenth commandment, God condemns the desire for that which belongs to anotherperson, whether people or things. Jesus asked, “For what is a man profited, if he shall gainthe whole world, and lose his own soul?”? Gamblers are people who are not content withwhat they have and who are determined to get what they do not have. The greatesttragedy is that those who gamble are often trying to get the money that belonged to thosewho could least afford to lose it. Whatever someone wins through gambling is won at the cost of someone else’s loss. Any advancement that takes place at the expense of another iswrong.???? Every time a gambler reads about someone that has killed himself because of gamblinglosses, or that a family has been destroyed because of gambling losses, that gambler shouldunderstand that he participated in that tragedy, and that any money he has won throughgambling may very well have been money lost by that person whose life became a terribletragedy.???? Looking at gambling at a different perspective. Everybody knows by now that ourgovernment’s budget is like a “waterloo.” The only thing flourishing is our unemploymentrate, that’s bursting off the charts. Many unemployed citizens can’t even afford to eat,therefore, they seek aid through our government via food stamps. Our tourism hasdiminished.???? With an expected increase in the population by the year 2000, the government mightwant to legalize gambling. This would increase our tourism, drop the unemployment rate,and decrease the government’s budget deficit. After conducting a few interviews withtourists, my numbers showed that legalizing gambling would increase our tourismindustry. Three out of every five tourists interviewed would love to engage in gamblingwhile on vacation.???? The government may also use gambling as another means of income. The governmentcould lay a high gaming tax. Legalizing gambling would give many job opportunities forthe citizens, therefore, lowering the unemployment rate. In lowering the unemploymentrate citizens will not need financial aid from the government for food, thus decreasing foodstamp recipients. Gambling could also decrease the crime rate. With the revenue that thegovernment can attain from this gaming phenomenon, we will be able to afford? recruitingmore police officers. Legalizing gambling can help revitalize our state