Grapes Of Wrath-Structure Essay, Research Paper
Authors often use many styles and techniques in their novels. They use certain methods
in order to make their stories seem more real. John Steinbeck uses many literary
techniques in The Grapes of Wrath to help the reader better understand the story.
The interchapters in The Grapes of Wrath often foreshadow the regular chapters.
They are more of a general picture as to what went on during that time period in
America. The regular chapters are meant to represent a specific family, the Joads, and
document their journey to California and usually the interchapters have something to do
with the story line of the Joads? adventures. The interchapters became predictable as the
story progressed, and after awhile the two different types of chapters gave the story a
rhythmical pattern.
John Steinbeck uses a certain dialect throughout the whole story which makes the
reader see how people talked during that time period. This also aids the reader in feeling
like they are part of the story, and it helps him to understand the way things were back
then. Many slang words and phrases typical of the early 1900s are used to make the
conversations true to life. For instance, in the first chapter at the roadside diner, the
conversation between the customer and the waitress right away tell the reader the kind of
dialect that will be used during the story.
Steinbeck has a very distinctive style of writing. He uses many descriptive
phrases and words to help give the reader a clear picture as to what is happening in the
story. His use of alliteration and repetition makes the sentences and paragraphs easier to
follow because of the rhythm and flow that is added to them. Steinbeck uses symbolism
in order to show the importance of some ideals and main themes of the novel. For
example, the turtle that was walking across the road represents the long, treacherous
journeys that many families took to get to California. The dust that settled over the crops
symbolizes the harshness that fell over the many farms, therefore forcing the people off
of the land. Rose of Sharon?s stillborn baby shows the reader that long, painful journeys,
filled with many problems along the way, sometimes amount to nothing in the end.
In order to understand the story and its many hidden meanings, the reader must
pick up on Steinbeck?s style of writing. These writing techniques of Steinbeck aid the
reader in his analysis of The Grapes of Wrath.