?Hockey(3)? Microsoft Encarta. 1996 ed.
Official Rules of the NHL: Canada: Triumph Books, 1997.
Ward, Carl. Hockey. England, British Ice Hockey Association, 1990.
Sullivan, George. All About Hockey. Penguin Putnam Books for Young Readers, 1998.
Rules of the Game. Http://members.aol.com/msdaizy/sports/ruls4.html.
Hockey Rules. Http://bakersfieldcondors.com/rules.html. Bakers Condor, 2000.
Rules. Http://www.nhl.com/history/index/rules.htm. National Hockey League, 2000.
?Hockey (1)? World Book Encyclopedia. 2000 ed.
?Hockey(2)? Encyclopedia Americana. 1998 ed.
?Hockey(3)? Microsoft Encarta. 1996 ed.