Aside from evidence from the chemical analysis of pyramid stone, Geologists find that the most compelling evidence for the cast in place pyramid stones to be gross features such as the chunks of stone incorporated into the pyramid blocks, the wavy lift lines (which is not a natural occurring thing), the density differences between the pyramid and quarry stone, and the jumbled nature of the fossil shells in the pyramid stone. The apparent absence of sedimentary stratification in the pyramid stones is also powerful geological evidence (p.106).
It has always been assumed that the majority of the masonry came from local quarries, however no quarries exist on the west side to have yielded enough stones to have created the greater pyramids (p. 106). The fossils in the pyramid, as geologists demonstrate, have come from Giza. So how did the fossils manage to be local even though there is no way the stones could have came from nearby? Alchemy of course!
Some of the blocks in Khafre s complex are so enormous that they weigh up to 500 tons a piece (p.105). These blocks would have been nearly impossible to move, without the use of machinery, which of course were not invented. The same blocks however, to cast in place, may take up to 3 days to create. This does make a lot of sense.
The pyramids then were created for the kings as tombs and a passageway into the afterlife. A lot of expense and time was put into the pyramids due to the significance for the Egyptians religious beliefs. The importance of the king is depicted in the magnificent structure and elaborate complexes built for their journey into the afterlife. The Egyptians were compelled to create the pyramids because they were ruled by divine kingship and it was necessary for the king to become integrated with the gods. And since the king was the only one who spoke with the gods it must therefore be honored as true.
The matter of how exactly the pyramids were built may never be solved, at least not in this lifetime, however there are a lot of good theories that explain how this task may have been accomplished. Regardless of whether the pyramids were built by 100,000 people for 20 years working very diligently cutting and hauling large stone slabs or by the use of ancient chemistry creating man-made synthetic stone, one thing is for sure, with all of our technology and equipment it would be hard for anyone to recreate a pyramid to such perfection and size today. Credit where credit is due, more than 4000 years ago the pyramids were built and still stand, near perfect and at the center of all landmass, they obviously knew something that others have not yet been able to figure out or reproduce.
Davidovits, Dr. Joseph, and Morris, Margie. The Pyramids: An Enigma Solved. New York: Hippocrene Books. 1988
Hawass, Zahi A. The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt. Pittsburgh, PA: The Carregie Museum of Natural History. 1990.
Rice, Michael. Egypt s Making: The Origins of Ancient Egypt. New York, NY: Routledge. 1990
Trigger, Bruce G. Early Civilizations. Cairo, Egypt: The American University in Cairo Press. 1993