Ufo Essay, Research Paper
A UFO is an unidentified flying object. Many people believe them to be small saucer
looking objects in the sky and other believe differently, but to tell you the truth many different kinds of
UFO’s have been seen soaring the skies in the day but most commonly in the night. They are most
often seen at night because of the many lights that people claim to see illuminating from these
hovering objects in the sky. There are many different reasons, doctors say, why people claim they have
seen these “flying saucers”.
“Disorder called sleep paralysis, result of disconnect between brain and body as person is
on fringe of sleep , is now believed to affect nearly half of all people at least once, and it may help
explain some bizarre claims of witch attacks or alien abductions”, says doctor Kazuhiko Fukuda (Kristof, 1).
Most doctors on cases say they find that most of the people claiming to have been abducted by aliens
were either lying or have experienced a dream that just felt so real that they assumed it was true. Sleep
paralysis was once thought to be very rare. But recent studies show that in the United States and Canada
that it may strike at least 40 to 50 percent of all people at least once.
The air force made public its report on the famous 1947 incident in New Mexico desert near Roswell
that is at the heart of claims by ufo fans that aliens visited earth nad that has become a celebrated
part of american popular culture. The report says that the evidence was just a mirage. The air force
says that the crash dummies and high altitude balloons were embelished over the decades into false
evidence of aliens. More than 100,000 sky watchers and conspiracy theorists are expected to visit
Roswell for the celebration of the incidents 50th anniversary during the first week of July.
“Under growing pressure from true believers and curious congressmen, the air force in February
1994 began to investigate just what took place many decades ago. A 23 page report made a public
in September 1994 said the islvery wreckage in the desert had been part of a top-secret system of
atomic espionage. That admission made the 1947 story about weather balloon a white lie. Carried
into the atmosphere by balloon, the spy sensors listened for weak reverberations from soviet
nuclear blasts half a world away.”(Broad, 3).
But the 1994 report said nothing of the extraterrestrial beings, who of the Roswell crash number
between 2 and 8, dead and sometimes alive. The air force found nothing in the balloon saga to account for
the reports of aliens, so it was ignored and only later came up with detailed and intriguing
explanation. The new report was written by James McAndrew an intelligence officer assigned to the
Secretary of the air force declassification and review team. Its 231 pages are designed to go beyond
the 1994 report by revealing more about federal work in the desert and examining what inspired
sightings of not only alien artifacts but of the extraterrestrials themselves.