Style Analysis Of ?Holy Sonnet 10? Essay, Research Paper
John Donne?s diction, detail, point of view, metaphysical format, and tone used in ?Holy Sonnet 10? convey both a feeling of cynical and domination, and also a sense of mockery of death. The effects on the reader include assurance and confidence in facing death.
The author?s diction makes the reader feel that death ca be defeated. For example, death has been called ?mighty and dreadful? but the author shows that it is not more than a ?short sleep? where men go for the ?rest of their bones.? The general idea of death is frightful and scary, but the reader is told that it?s only a short phase everyone goes through. It?s an opportunity for men to separate their soul and physical body. In addition, if ?poison, war, and sickness? can all make us ?sleep,? then why does death ?swell?st.? the author shows the reader that there are many things to cause death so it shouldn?t be so arrogant with pride. In the end, all will conquer death no matter how hard it tries.
The author?s details supply the reader with the clear concise idea of how death can be overcome. For instance, death ?canst?kill me from rest and sleep? but we will ?wake eternally.? Only in our dreams and nightmares can death defeat us, but in reality, we have won the war against death. Death will always have a place in the lives of men, but it will only serve as a reason to hide away the fears of dying. Furthermore, death is men?s ?rest of their bones and soul?s delivery? to freedom but ?poppy or charms? can do the same. The author is telling the reader here that it doesn?t take very much to free man?s soul from the imprisonment of his body. Going through this transition isn?t very significant since all of man will end up in heaven, so death shouldn?t be so proud.
The first person point of view gives the reader a perspective of why the author is mocking death. For example, the author says that, ?canst thou kill me? but ?our best men? will go with you even though ?we (will) wake eternally.? When the author refers to we, he is speaking for all of the readers so they share his view. The author brings the universal mental vision of man into place. Furthermore, the author refers to death as a ?slave? to ?kings and desperate men? even though its job is shared with ?war and sickness.? Here, the author shares his confidence with his readers. This final support of first person narration shows his conclusive point to the mockery of death.
The author?s metaphysical format brings together philosophical and religious issues, which are brought out by the use of paradoxes and conceits. For instance, death is compared to as a ?slave? that brings the ?soul?s delivery? to a ?short sleep.? The conceit of death to a slave is very distinct because men should fall to death?s wrath while it is the other way around here. When sleep is referred to as our phase of death, this isn?t irregular because they are comparable. In addition, the author concludes that death ?shalt die? when at the beginning of the sonnet, he commands death to ?die not.? The author is contradicting himself by telling his readers that men need death as a part of their lives, but he then comes to realize that they are dominant over death. The author?s alarming comparison of concepts and images give his readers a confidence of their fear, death.
The author?s tone gives the reader a sense of pride. When the author suggests death as ?mighty and dreadful,? he gives his readers the idea it ?art not.? This starts out the reader with a positive atmosphere and attitude. The author then assures his readers that it is not what it appears to be. In addition, the author also questions death by asking it ?why swellst? when ?poppy or charms? can do the same. Here, the author even doubts the competence of death, which gives the reader more certainty. When the author questions death, it produces an opportunity for the readers to think about their own capabilities and how to use it to confront their apprehensions.