Immigration’s Role In The Development Of The United States As A Nation Essay, Research Paper
In the beginning of our country, the first people to
settle in the United States were immigrants. They
came here for many different reasons, some for
riches, some for religious reasons, and some for
adventure. Not only did they come here for different
reasons, but they also came here from different
countries. Mostly the immigrants wanted a better
life for themselves and their families. An American
life was the immigrant s key to the success of this.
Immigration has played a vital role in the
development of the United States as a nation. By
allowing immigrants into the United States, we not
only create a diverse country, but also better the
lives of the individuals.
Immigration has created a diverse country. It
allows people who are diverse in culture, religion,
and race to become part of the United States. It also
allows them to keep their own values while
somewhat being changed by other people s. Over the
years the number of immigrants has increased
greatly. Thus creating more of a diverse country. The
citizens of today have come from many different
backgrounds of immigrants. Their culture has sprung
from many years of influence by the different types
of immigrants. Without immigration our country
would be plain as black and white, there would be no
diversity to spice it up.
When immigrants approach Ellis Island they are
overcome with emotions because they know that they
will finally be free. It takes perseverance and a
strong will to come to a country of a different
language and culture, only to start a new life. Some
of these immigrants come from a country that is in
war or just bad circumstances. Ellis Island is the
reception center for immigrants. Upon arriving, the
first sight the immigrants will see is the statue of
liberty. She represents freedom. These new citizens
to be have come to the United States to better their
lives. The United States gives them hope and promise
that they will find this here.
Immigrants in the United States create a diverse
country and better life for themselves. Having a
diverse culture proves the nickname, the great
American melting pot , to be true. Immigration is truly
important in each and everyone s life. Trace back the
generations of families and it is very evident that
immigration has affected their lives. Without
immigration the United States would be less
populated, have less technological advances, and
would definitely not be the same country that it is