
Дейтерий - меченный l-фенилаланин, продуцируемый штаммом Brevibacterium methylicum для медицинской диагностики (стр. 3 из 3)

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Oleg V. Mosin

Department of Biotechnology, M. V. Lomonosov State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, Vernadskogo Prospekt 86, 117571, Moscow, Russia

Deuterium labelled L-phenylalanine prodused by methylotrophic bacterium Brevibacterium methylicum for biomedical diagnostics.

The data on biosynthesis [2H6] - L-phenylalanine, produced by facultative methylotrophic bacteriaBrevibacterium methylicum, capable to assimilate methanol (or its deuterated analogue) as a source of carbon and energy are submitted. Microbic bioconversion of deuterated methanol was carried out on the minimal growth medium containing 98 % of heavy water. The level of L-phenylalanine output has made 1 gramm from 1 liter of growth medium. The analysis of deuterium enrichment level was carried out with using a method of electron impact mass-spectrometry after preparative separation of methyl ether of N-Dns-Phenylalanine by a method of inverted - phase highly effective liquid chromatography. According to the received data, the degree of isotope inclusion of deuterium into molecule of phenylalanine has made 75 % that testifies to high efficiency of deuterium labelling of phenylalanine in these conditions. Biosynthetically received [2H6] - phenylalanine can be used for biomedical diagnostic studies.