Oscar Romero Essay, Research Paper
If one seeks to fully comprehend the complexity surrounding the life and untimely death
of Oscar Romero, they must initially be exposed to the notion of liberation theology. The
theory of liberation which emphasises social and economic justice for the poor, became a
major force in El Salvadoran Catholicism. El Salvador is a country with its foundations
in religion, a religion entwined with political dogma. El Salvadorians were confronted by
a structured society which neglected the division, primarily the economic separation of
the community. As a result of a poverty stricken existence under the guidance of a
political system – a conglomeration of conservatives intentionally ignoring the problem,
thus conserving current status and order, a revolutionary Christian group was formed.
The Church and the State exhibited themselves as conservative allies, thus resulting in a
multitude of radical groups formed – Jesuits, Marxists and liberation theologists
collectively enforcing through action, the needs of the people. One such revolutionary -
Oscar Romero, underwent a dramatic transition in relation to the disharmony within his
native country from the period of his appointment to Archbishop. This essay will focus
primarily on the changes exhibited by Romero during his period of status within the
Church hierarchical system, and examine briefly the concept and consequent outcome of
liberation theology.
Integrity is a primary attribute in relation to the common ideal of all good men, but is
particularly expected of those in positions of authority. Such promotion of status is based
upon an individual?s ability to display certain virtues, or perhaps initially in the case of
Romero, appointment occurred with underlying intent on behalf of the electors. It is
probable that prior to his appointment to Archbishop by Pope Paul VI, he exhibited a
tendency to passiveness, thus resulting, quite ironically in his prime candidacy. Romero?s
rise through the ranks of the Catholic church was not a route to Episcopal power, he was
by disposition quite reserved and conventional. Preceding his direct exposure to the
horrors of the civil war, he was somewhat hesitant in defining his existent stance between
the conservative forces within the community and the revolutionaries. However, an act of
misguided vengeance resulting in the tragic deaths of Jesuit Father Rutilio Grande and
Father Alfonso Navarro respectively, strengthened Romero?s perspective. The
consequent development of courage enabled him to voice his beliefs in relation to the
injustice within El Salvadoran society, hence generating an encouragement of faith
throughout the Catholic population. Among Romero?s most commonly recognised
contributions in the struggle against faction dictatorship and exploitation, were his
reproval of the intemperance of the Gen. Carlos Romero and the unjustifiable savagery
exhibited by the national guard. Romero consistently devised pastoral letters and held
public prayer session which resulted, inevitably in his identification as ?the voice of the
Romero was aware of the hypocritical dogma of the existent pseudo democracy, thus
he exposed to the world the oppression suffered by the Salvadoran impoverished.
Initially, there existed within Romero an element of fear in relation to the negatively
dominant influences on the lives of the general populace – the conservatives of the
church, the government, the national guard and the guerrilla revolutionary forces.
However, such fear was diminished and in its place an innate strength flourished, a
transition from a man of word to one of action – with not even the slightest exhibition of
pretensciousness. This portrayal of outspoken leadership posed a threat to those forces
who held conflicting views, thus resulting in Romero?s eventual destiny – his martyrdom.
Oscar Romero was assassinated at 6:30 p.m. on Monday 24th March 1980 in the
Chapel of the Divine Providence in San Salvador. His elimination generated a shockwave
of grief throughout the predominantly Catholic nation, beloved and idolised by those for
whom he exhibited protection and campaigned for justice – the campesinos or peasants.
The unjustified slaying of innocent civilians continued post-assassination reaching a toll
in the tens of thousands. In a sense, Romero envisioned his assassination and so
preceding his death left his people with a reassuring statement of faith – ?A Bishop may
die, but the church of God, which is the people, will never die.?
Both foreign and native clergy worked to involve the urban and rural poor in political
efforts to protect their rights and improve their lives. Despite the republican and
democratic provisions of its constitutions, a small, elite group of landowners and military
officers has dominated government in El Salvador. Since the Civil war of the 1980s
however, more democratic procedures have been adopted, including reforms in the
electoral system and inclusion of former leftist guerrillas in the political system. More
people in other social classes have participated in government as a result of the struggle
for liberation from the entrapments of social division. Romero?s plight of freedom, for
which he passionately fought, remains in the hearts and minds of the people and will
never be forgotten.