1984 Essay, Research Paper
Winston Smith has lived a long miserable life. He
believes he is responsible for his mothers and sisters death and
he has to live with that pain his whole life. Also his wife left
him and he has no one to talk to and no one to be with. But
then he meets his soon to be love Julia, who he has a
relationship with who changes his whole life.
The first effect Julia had on Winston was that she
made him more rebellious towards the government. This
happened because Winston went through a lot of trouble just so
he can hide his relationship from the thought police so he or
Julia won?t get caught for their relationship. If they were caught
for there secretive relationship they would be in very big
trouble. This also affected the government with the rule they
were breaking.
Julia also gave Winston love and happiness. The
reason why Winston gets love and happiness because he feels
comfortable with Julia. Julia also makes love to Winston multiple
times in their relationship. Julia gives Winston happiness because
she gives him someone to talk to and someone to be with and
trust. Winston really loves Julia.
From this relationship Winston also gets misery, pain,
betrayel and he loses his spirit and his humanity. When Winston
and Julia get caught with their relationship, it all went downhill
from there. First it brought Winston misery and pain from being
tortured in Room 101. He was being tortured day in and day out.
He also was betrayed by Julia. Then later when his face was
about to be feasted by rats at the hands of O?brien he betrays
Julia by shouting out, ?Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not Me!….?.
First Julia betrayed him and then he betrayed her. He lost his
humanity because the party succeeded in making Julia and
Winston stop loving each other, the thing that they believed
made them human. Winston lost his spirit by agreeing with
O?brien saying 2 + 2 = 5 and by loving Big Brother.
In conclusion the relationship with Julia had a lot of
impact on Winston, but not on the story. It brought Winston love
and happiness but only for a brief time. It also brought him
much more misery and pain and he lost two characteristics he
wanted to keep but he couldn?t, humanity and spirit. I think
Winston?s relationship with Julia had a bad impact